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Category: blog

What Are the 4 Ds of Medical Negligence?

What Constitutes Medical Negligence?

When you go to the doctor, you’re trusting them with your medical care; but sometimes, doctors commit medical negligence by not providing proper care. That care, which is required by law, must be taken seriously. Now, you might wonder, “What is medical negligence?” Medical negligence occurs when a hospital or doctor injures a patient through a negligent act. Typically, negligence results in errors in diagnosis, treatment, aftercare, and health management. That negligence causes harm to the patient and affects their quality of life until the results of the neglect have been resolved, if not longer.  This blog is

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Identifying and Avoiding Road Rage and Aggressive Driving

Identifying and Avoiding Road Rage and Aggressive Driving

As Utah’s population grows, we must commit to avoiding road rage and aggressive driving from others and keeping our cool if we experience it. More drivers on the road mean slower commutes and more potential for aggression. Without greater intention to avoid emotional responses, this leaves us all at greater risk of an accident. “Road rage” is a term that was coined in the 1990s by a television news station in response to several incidents of freeway shootings. Many have expanded the term to encompass all forms of aggressive driving. However, while both aggressive driving and road rage

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Medical Malpractice Cases: Misdiagnosis and Delayed Diagnosis

Medical Malpractice: Misdiagnosis and Delayed Diagnosis

Most medical malpractice cases involve misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis, but there are a lot of factors that determine if you have a legal case.  Diagnostic errors are common in the medical field, and therefore, medical professionals cannot always be held legally liable. For the case to be medical malpractice, there must be proven negligence, and those negligent acts must lead directly to the patient’s harm.  You also need to demonstrate a patient-doctor relationship—this part isn’t usually difficult. But proving there has been negligence can prove challenging.  Suppose a doctor or other medical professional contributed to a patient’s harm

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How You Can Be A Safe Motorcycle Driver?

How To Be A Safe Motorcycle Driver

Being a safe motorcycle driver requires different skills than driving a car; however, road laws apply to every driver just the same.  Consistent education, regard for traffic laws, and common sense go a long way in reducing the amount of motorcycle-related fatalities each year. As a motorcyclist, you need to understand common safety motorcycle tips to ensure that your future rides are safe.  Wear the Proper Gear  Wearing a helmet is the most secure way to avoid a head injury in the event of a crash. A motorcycle rider who isn’t wearing a helmet is five times more

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Poor Weather Conditions and the Risk of Auto Accidents

Poor Weather Conditions and the Risk of Auto Accidents

Snow, ice, rain, wind, and other poor weather conditions lead to dangerous roads and are a leading risk of auto accidents.  As convenient as driving is, most people know that the road can be treacherous. Auto accidents occur in startling numbers each year on roads all across America. Unfortunately, poor weather conditions can further increase auto accidents’ risk. Statistics show that bad weather leads to over one million car accidents in America each year. These car accidents often result in severe injury and costly property damage. Dangers of Poor Weather Conditions Conditions such as rain, fog, sleet, and

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Liability for Accidents Involving Unqualified Truck Drivers

Liability for Accidents Involving Unqualified Truck Drivers

Trucking accidents cause severe injuries, and one of the top causes of these accidents is incidents with unqualified truck drivers. The sheer size of a truck versus the size of a passenger vehicle sets the stage for catastrophe when the two collide, and passengers in a car typically suffer several significant injuries. If you believe you sustained injuries due to a truck accident involving an unqualified truck driver, you may be entitled to financial compensation.  Recovering compensation for losses caused by a trucking accident requires finding causation and holding the responsible party accountable. Stay tuned to learn more

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The Conditions That Lead To Auto Accidents and Drowsy Driving

The Conditions That Lead To Auto Accidents and Drowsy Driving

Drowsy driving is hazardous as the crash rate for drivers who sleep five or six hours is twice that of drivers who sleep seven hours or more.  With each hour of sleep lost, the likelihood of an auto accident increases. Similar to texting and driving or drinking and driving, driving after getting little-to-no sleep not only puts you at risk but puts others around you at risk too. If you’re tired, do not get behind the wheel.  An Overview of Drowsy Driving According to the Sleep Foundation and survey data from the CDC, one in every 25 adults

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Defective Tires and Auto Accidents

Defective Tires and Auto Accidents

When most people think of auto accidents, they most likely think about the driver of one vehicle being either wholly or mainly at fault.  In most automobile accident cases, one of the drivers is at fault. However, some auto accidents are tragically fated to occur due to defective automotive parts. These defects might happen in the design stage, the manufacturing stage, the marketing stage, or some combination thereof. Still, their mere existence made the automobile unforeseeably unsafe to drive – in essence, a ticking time bomb. Among the automotive products we rely most on, our tires are essential;

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Surgical Errors Can Lead to Serious Patient Injuries

Surgical Errors Can Lead to Serious Patient Injuries

Some of the most tragic medical mistakes can occur during surgery, leading to severe and even permanent patient injuries.  If you are concerned about medical malpractice, there are a few things you need to know about when it comes to surgical errors.  We Expect a High Degree of Competence from Surgeons When we undergo any kind of surgical treatment, it’s not unreasonable to expect surgeons to perform procedures with a certain level of attentiveness and care. Their training and expertise have prepared them to complete even the most complicated medical procedures with competence, avoiding errors and acting diligently

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What is the Process of Filing a Wrongful Death Claim?

What is the Process of Filing a Wrongful Death Claim?

If you have lost a loved one due to another person’s negligent behavior, your family may be eligible to file a wrongful death claim.  A wrongful death lawsuit takes place against another person who can legally be held liable for a death. Nothing in the world can take away the pain and agony caused by this misfortune, but you should pursue legal compensation if a negligent person is responsible. Losing a loved one is a traumatic experience that comes with unexpected expenses. This guide will help you file a wrongful death claim so that you can receive damages. 

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