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Month: February 2014


Social Networking for Drivers?

With the extreme popularity of social networking, it should come as no surprise that a San Diego company has developed an application to connect people to each other-while they’re driving. Bump.com promises that drivers across the country can connect to each other using e-mails, texts and voice mail, all through a scan of their license plates. Security cameras on the roads take photos of license plates. The program scans and recognizes license plate numbers and matches them with e-mail accounts, mobile phones and location systems so that people are able to communicate. Even if an individual has no

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Innovative Continuous Flow Intersections Improve Driving In Utah

Utah is quickly becoming a leader in the use of continuous flow intersections, known as CFIs, to cost effectively improve driving safety and congestion. In 2007, Salt Lake City became home to the fourth continuous flow intersection in the United States. Since then, a total of seven CFIs have been constructed along Bangerter Highway, with plans for an additional four CFIs to be built in 2013. How CFIs differ from traditional intersections CFIs improve traffic conditions by eliminating the “left-turn” phase required by traditional intersections. During the left turn phase, all other traffic must remain stopped at an

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