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Fog Can Contribute to Major Auto Accidents

Auto Accidents Caused by Snow

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The lawyers of Flickinger • Boulton • Robson • Weeks have helped numerous clients in Salt Lake City and throughout Utah following catastrophic auto accidents. These kinds of collisions can change people’s lives and end in tragedy, which is why our attorneys fight so diligently on the behalf of our clients.

While drunk driving and vehicle defects claim many lives each each, weather conditions also play a role in crashes and collisions. Fog in particular can be hazardous, turning normal roads and highways into danger zones.

Poor Visibility Means Heightened Accident Risks

Any time your vision is impaired, that means less safe conditions on the road. Fog makes it difficult to see objects in the distance. That goes for vehicles ahead of you, road signs, curves and bends in the road, oncoming traffic, or foreign objects on the road. Collisions are much more likely, and your ability to react to dangers is greatly reduced as well. Braking or swerving suddenly to avoid a hazard could lead to single-vehicle or multi-vehicle collisions.

Keep in mind that if you have problems seeing, the same is true of other motorists on the road. They may not be able to see your vehicle either, compounding the danger of heavy fog.

Issues with Depth Perception

In addition to general issues with visibility, fog can throw off your depth perception. In most cases, distant objects are blurry while nearby objects are sharper and in focus. Fog tends to blur and obscure all objects, which can make it difficult to determine actual distances. This negatively affects reaction times, and can contribute to a number of accidents occurring.

Distorting Perception of Speed While Driving

In a heavy fog, you may be blanketed on all sides in an obscuring shade of gray. Sometimes all that’s visible is the road immediately ahead and behind you. This can be very disorienting, throwing off your sense of place as well as distorting your perception of speed. Accidents are more likely to occur because of this uncanny sense of confusion.

How to Keep Yourself Visible on Foggy Roads

If you are driving in a heavy fog or encounter foggy conditions during part of your drive, consider the following safety tips:

  • Reduce your speed
  • Use fog lights if your vehicle has them
  • Allow additional space between you and other vehicles, especially vehicles ahead of you
  • NEVER use high beams in the fog

Driving with greater caution until the fog lifts or you are out of a foggy area can reduce your risk of a crash or collision.

Holding Negligent Drivers Accountable

Even though you may exercise greater caution in poor driving conditions, other motorists may not be using common sense while on the road. When a negligent or reckless driver strikes your vehicle, it’s important that you seek the assistance of skilled lawyers. The team at our law firm can work with you and your loved ones to hold the negligent driver accountable, seeking damages to cover medical expenses, repair bills for your vehicle, and other losses associated with your crash.

Contact the Lawyers of Flickinger • Boulton • Robson • Weeks

If you or a member of your family has been seriously harmed in a motor vehicle collision, it’s of the utmost importance that you contact our team of auto accident attorneys today. We will determine if you have a case against a negligent person or party and help you seek legal action.