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Can a Minor Car Accident Cause Injury

Can a Minor Car Accident Cause Injury

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Most automobile accidents are low impact, but in some cases, the occupants may experience neck and back pain days after the crash. Unfortunately, many victims trick themselves into thinking their pain isn’t worth looking into because the accident was minor. It would be best if you didn’t ignore your pain since even minor injuries can result in complications—especially with concussions. Getting to a doctor may prevent further damage.

In today’s blog, we will discuss injuries that can result from a minor car collision.


Whiplash is a neck injury due to the rapid back-and-forth movement of the neck. It can result from a sports accident, but it most often occurs after a rear-end auto accident. It only takes a few seconds for whiplash to transpire.

Whiplash can occur at speeds as low as five miles per hour. The National Center for Biotechnology Information finds that the limit of harmlessness for whiplash in a minor car accident begins at approximately 6.2 miles per hour.

Even at low speeds, whiplash can cause the following symptoms:

  • Reduced range of motion
  • Headaches
  • Neck pain
  • Back pain
  • Soreness all over your body
  • Confusion, memory loss, and other cognitive issues

Unfortunately, these symptoms may interfere with a victim’s ability to go to school or work. They may require hospitalization, follow-up medical care with a physician, physical therapy, medication, and rehabilitative care; the costs can quickly rack up.

Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is brain damage as a result of a blow or jolt to the head. The most common cause of this damage is car crashes and motorcycle accidents. Injuries range from mild brain concussion to permanent brain damage.

Treatment for mild TBI includes rest and medication, whereas severe TBI may require life-saving surgery. Victims potentially face long-lasting effects in their physical and mental abilities. Additionally, they may develop emotional instability and a volatile personality. Most survivors require rehabilitation to recover and relearn skills.

It’s classified according to the severity of the injury:

    • Mild TBI: A victim is diagnosed with mild TBI if they remain awake and can open their eyes. Symptoms include confusion, memory loss, disorientation, headache, and temporary loss of consciousness.
    • Moderate TBI: A victim is diagnosed with moderate TBI if they’re lethargic, and their eyes open in response to stimulation. Loss of consciousness lasts between 20 minutes to six hours. They may experience brain swelling or bleeding.
    • Severe TBI: A victim is diagnosed with severe TBI if they’re unconscious, and their eyes won’t open, even with stimulation. Loss of consciousness will last more than six hours.

Emotional Distress

Injuries aren’t solely physical, and mental health is equally as important as physical health. Serious car crashes can leave victims with emotional scars or PTSD. Children who witnessed the car accident are the most prone to emotional distress, and they may be too afraid to go for a ride after a collision.

If you’re experiencing trauma as a result of an accident, you should consider taking a break from driving until you work through it with a therapist.


Contact Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton

If you or a loved one were recently injured in a car or motorcycle accident, you could work with a personal injury attorney to receive the compensation you deserve. Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton is here to help you hold the negligent driver accountable while you recover from the accident. Schedule your free case evaluation today.