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Category: Boating Accidents

Boating Accidents and DUI

Boating Accidents and DUI

Boating is a recreational activity that allows people to get away from the daily stresses of the real world. But while boating can be a lot of fun, it also comes with some responsibility. Anyone operating a vehicle on the water is required to adhere to maritime laws. These laws hold boaters responsible for doing their part to keep individuals on their boat, and those in surrounding waters, safe. If a boater violates maritime law and an accident occurs, he or she can be held responsible for any resulting damages, which may be significant. Boating accidents frequently cause

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Boating Accidents and Speeding

Boating Accidents and Speeding

Boating is a great way to unwind and enjoy time with friends and family on a warm, sunny day. However, it is important to remember that boating also comes with a great deal of responsibility. Just like any other type of vehicle, boats can be dangerous if an accident occurs. Boating accidents commonly result in catastrophic injuries, property damage, and costly financial losses. The most common causes of boating accidents are linked to operator error or reckless behavior. Speeding is also a risk on the water. The attorneys at Flickinger • Boulton • Robson • Weeks can review your boating

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