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What Should You NOT Say to the Insurance Company After an Accident?

What Should You NOT Say to the Insurance Company After an Accident?

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Contacting your insurance company is one of the first things you should do after an accident, but it’s essential to know what you should and shouldn’t say.

Insurance companies won’t always try to maximize your payout in the event of a car accident. To protect your claim, keep in mind the following phrases to avoid saying to your agent.

“The accident was my fault.”

Never admit fault when talking to your insurer, the other driver, or law enforcement, as these statements can be used against you. When tasked with describing the accident, do so without adding personal opinions or fault into the mix. Stick to the facts and avoid using phrases like, “I’m sorry,” “I apologize,” or “It was my fault.”

“I think…”

It might be nerve-racking to report an accident, but the best thing you can do is deliver the facts. Don’t opine an answer or make estimates, such as the speed you were traveling or the distance between you and the other vehicle. If you’re unsure of any actualities, it is perfectly acceptable to say, “I don’t know.”

“I don’t have any injuries.”

When asked about your injuries, avoid saying that you’re okay. While some injuries are immediately apparent, others are not. Wounds like bruises or neck pain might take days or weeks to manifest, so it’s best to avoid talking about your injuries to an insurer at all. If you experience pain at any point, be sure to have it checked out by a healthcare professional.

“This is my official statement.”

When discussing the facts of your accident with your insurance company, avoid giving any sort of official statement. Your personal injury attorney will advise you when it’s time to make a statement, so until then, you are under no obligation to have it recorded by your insurer.

Names of Other People Involved

Even if you have exchanged information with the other drivers involved in the accident, you should avoid delivering their names to your insurance representative. If they ask for names, advise them to reach out to your attorney. The same applies to the contact information of passengers, witnesses, doctors, or anyone else involved in the accident in any way.

“I don’t have an attorney.”

Don’t mention it even if you haven’t had time to secure an attorney before contacting your insurance company. Knowing that you don’t have a lawyer could lead your insurer to take advantage of you and lessen your payout. A personal injury lawyer will fight to get you the compensation you deserve, so be sure to hire one as quickly as possible.

Tips for Speaking with an Insurer After a Car Accident

In conclusion, your conversation with an insurance company should be calculated and prepared. Here are a few tips to remember:

  • Insist the conversation goes unrecorded
  • Ask the representative to identify themselves and retain their contact information
  • Write down as much of the conversation as possible
  • Do not accept a settlement

Get Legal Help After an Accident with Flickinger • Boulton • Robson • Weeks

After contacting your insurance company after a car accident, it’s essential to hire a personal injury lawyer to fight for the compensation you deserve. The attorneys at Flickinger • Boulton • Robson • Weeks are here to assist you as you file a personal injury claim. We have offices in Provo and South Jordan, Utah and happily serve citizens all over the Utah and Salt Lake Valleys. Reach out today to get started.