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Construction Accidents and Amputation Injuries

Construction Accidents and Amputation Injuries

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Construction sites are full of potential hazards that put construction workers at risk of injury. One type of life changing injury that construction workers may experience is the amputation of a limb. Even with extensive rehabilitation, injured parties may never fully regain the same level of limb function they had prior the accident and may not be able to return to work.

A construction accident attorney can help those who have suffered an amputation injury recover compensation for medical expenses and future lost wages. If you would like more information about your legal rights regarding construction accidents and amputation injuries and live near Salt Lake City, UT, we encourage you to contact the construction accidents attorneys at Flickinger • Boulton • Robson • Weeks.

Construction Accidents That Can Cause Amputation

Construction sites have many unique hazards that may result in amputation injuries. Some possible causes of amputation injuries include:

  • Serious falls: Falling from a great height increases the risk of severely injuring a limb. Sometimes, the limb injury may be so serious that the limb will require amputation.
  • Equipment or tool accidents: Accidents with construction equipment, power tools, or other machinery can result in serious injuries, including amputation. Accidents may occur from operator error, equipment malfunction, or inadequate training.
  • Insufficient safety equipment: Work sites with insufficient safety equipment, such as hand guards for tools or safety lines for working on elevated platforms, put workers at greater risk of an injury, including amputation.
  • Vehicle accidents: Large vehicles, such as bulldozers and backhoes, are common on construction sites. When accidents occur with these vehicles, it can result in the loss of a limb.
  • Falling objects: Falling, heavy objects can pin a worker’s body or limbs underneath. When a heavy objects lands on an arm, fingers, foot, or any limb, it may crush the limb so severely that amputation is necessary.

Seeking Damages for an Amputation Injury

When faced with the amputation of a limb as a result of a workplace injury, it is important to have experienced legal representation. An experienced construction accident attorney can help those who have been injured in a workplace accident get the compensation they deserve for their injuries.

Compensation for an amputation injury sustained in a workplace accident may include workers’ compensation benefits and permanent disability. While such benefits are available to help with medical bills, lost wages, and rehabilitation, they do not compensate injured parties for other damages, such as pain and suffering.

When an amputation injury was sustained in an accident caused by another person’s negligence, such as lack of training, insufficient safety equipment, or equipment malfunction, there may be grounds for a personal injury lawsuit. Through a personal injury lawsuit, it may be possible to recover damages not included in workers’ compensation or disability benefits.

Contact Flickinger • Boulton • Robson • Weeks

If you have been injured in a workplace accident, you are encouraged to contact the construction accident attorneys of Flickinger • Boulton • Robson • Weeks. Our team of experienced attorneys will work to get you the maximum compensation for your injuries.