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Seeking Burn Injury Compensation

Seeking Burn Injury Compensation

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Burn injuries are often extremely painful, sometimes requiring extensive medical care and rehabilitation. Burn injuries can happen anywhere. Although exposure to fire is a common cause of burns, other things, such as chemicals, scalding liquids, or malfunctioning electrical equipment, can also cause serious burn injuries. Those who have suffered burn injuries as a result of another person’s negligence or malicious act, or from a product defect, may be entitled to compensation for their injuries. If you would like help in seeking burn injury compensation, contact the Provo, UT law firm of Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton. Our attorneys are dedicated to obtaining the maximum compensation for clients who have suffered burn injuries due to the negligence of others and can help you in your time of need.

Factors Considered in Determining Compensation

When determining compensation for a burn injury claim, many things must be considered. Some factors that contribute to compensation for a burn injury include:

  • What caused the burn: The cause of the burn must be considered to determine liability. Burn injuries have many potential causes, such as faulty wiring, improper use or storage of chemicals, or hot liquid. When burn injuries are the result of someone’s negligence or a product defect, it may be possible to hold that party liable for injuries.
  • The severity of the injury: Those who have suffered severe burns are often awarded greater compensation for their injuries as severe burns are both more painful and require more extensive medical treatment.
  • The degree and location of permanent scarring or disfigurement: Burn injuries can leave extensive scarring and disfigurement. The severity of scarring or disfigurement as well as the location on the body, such as the face or hands, can contribute to the amount of compensation a person receives for their injuries.

What May Be Included In Compensation

If you have suffered burn injuries as a result of someone else’s negligence or a product defect, you may be awarded compensation for:

  • Medical expenses associated with the treatment of your injuries, including out of pocket expenses such as co-pays, insurance deductibles, or over-the-counter medications
  • Future medical expenses associated with your injuries, such as rehabilitation or reconstructive surgery
  • Lost wages, including both past and future lost wages that may arise as a result of your injuries
  • Car mileage to and from medical appointments
  • Past and future disability
  • Pain and suffering
  • Permanent disfigurement

Are Punitive Damages Awarded for Burn Injuries?

Punitive damages may be awarded for burn injuries in the event it is proven that injuries were sustained as a result of someone’s gross negligence, such as setting fire or exposing a person to chemicals with the intent to harm. Punitive damages offer a means to punish someone for their negligence or maliciousness and may be awarded in addition to other compensation in a burn injury claim.

Contact the Burn Injury Attorneys at Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton

If you or a loved one have suffered from burn injuries, it is important to contact an experienced personal injury attorney to ensure you get the maximum settlement for your injuries. Our burn injury attorneys are ready to help you. Contact our law firm today to learn more about your legal options.