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The Dangers of Pile-Up Car Accidents

The Dangers of Pile-Up Car Accidents

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Pile-up car accidents are one of the most destructive events that occur on the road, so knowing how to prevent them is vital knowledge for drivers.

Today we’re taking a deep dive into why these accidents happen, how serious they are, and what to do if you find yourself in a similar situation.

How Do These Accidents Happen?

Pile-up accidents can occur in multiple situations. The most common occurrences are when cars are traveling at high speeds, such as on an interstate, or during inclement weather. When an accident happens and there is very little time to react, other vehicles might not be able to avoid the collision resulting in a multiple vehicle pile-up.

Here are some other culprits of pile-up car accidents:

  • Drowsy driving – Driving while feeling tired can be very dangerous. Drowsy driving can lead to impaired judgment and slow reaction times. Make sure that you are well rested each time you get behind the wheel.
  • Impaired driving – Just like drowsy driving, impaired driving can disable your ability to react and drive safely. With this impairment, multiple car accidents are more likely to occur.
  • Distracted driving – Most people have a smartphone or other device. These devices are remarkable but can be deadly if used while driving. Distracted driving can cause the first collision or instigate a multiple car pile-up. Put your phone down and pay attention to the road for your safety and the safety of others.

What Makes Pile-Ups Different?

Pile-up accidents can pose many different problems that smaller collisions do not usually face.

  • Injury risk – According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, there were 2,200 more deaths in a multiple vehicle accidents than single vehicle accidents in 2018.
  • Blocking a path for emergency vehicles – If the pile-up damage is large enough, it can be difficult for the police and ambulances to reach people in need.
  • Fire risk – Fires are more prevalent in pile-ups than in single car accidents. More damage typically happens in multiple car accidents which causes increased fire danger.

What Do I Do if I Am in a Pile-up Accident?

These types of collisions can be very shocking and stressful. Here are some steps to follow if you ever find yourself in this situation:

  • Stay buckled in your vehicle and make sure every passenger does the same. Getting out of the car is extremely dangerous because the unknown of more cars colliding into the pile-up poses a severe risk.
  • To increase the visibility of your vehicle, turn on your hazard lights. This can help other drivers notice and avoid the accident.
  • Gather information from the other drivers and witnesses. Take pictures of the damage once police arrive.
  • Cooperate with the authorities and offer a full and honest statement. Be sure to get a copy of the accident report afterward.
  • If you are injured, seek medical attention immediately. Additionally, car accidents can be very traumatic, so meet with a mental health professional if necessary.

Contact Flickinger • Boulton • Robson • Weeks

If you are involved in a pile-up car accident, Flickinger • Boulton • Robson • Weeks is here to help. Our car accident claims lawyers know that one of the most pressing concerns for car accident victims is getting full and fair compensation. With decades of experience on our side, we are prepared to help you receive this.

We have offices in Provo and South Jordan, Utah. Reach out for a free case evaluation today.