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Workers’ Compensation vs. Long-Term Disability

Workers' Compensation vs. Long-Term Disability

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When an injury keep you from working, you have a few options for help. Both workers’ compensation and long-term disability insurance can cover wage loss and other costs of living. While there are many benefits to workers’ compensation and long-term disability, there are important differences to note regarding coverage.

The Provo, UT attorneys of Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton would like to compare workers’ compensation and long-term disability so you understand your options following an injury.

About Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ compensation is a type of insurance carried by employers that protect their employees following an on-the-job-injury. If you are injured while on the job, workers’ compensation will take care of wage loss during the time of your injury.

About Long-Term Disability

Long-term disability is a type of insurance that covers part of your wages or salary if you are unable to work as a result of an injury or illness. Long-term disability typically does not cover injuries or illnesses sustained while you are on the job.

The Benefits of Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ compensation benefits you receive are tax-free, and they often take into account medical care you require and are receiving. Some workers’ compensation plans will also assist with vocational rehabilitation, education, or retraining to help injured workers re-enter the workforce.

The Benefits of Long-Term Disability

Long-term disability benefits are ideal if you have suffered an injury outside of the workplace that prevent you from working at your job. Your employer is not involved with these benefits since they cover non-work-related issues.

When Workers’ Compensation Is More Ideal

Workers’ compensation is more ideal when you are unable to work due to an injury that was sustained at your workplace. Rather than pursuing a legal action against your employer, the workers’ compensation benefits are guaranteed to cover the loss of some wages.

When Long-Term Disability Is More Ideal

Long-term disability is more ideal when you are injured or suffer an illness outside of your workplace. While the amount of benefits received may not be the same as workers’ compensation, it is still helpful in covering lost wages due to the inability to work.

Can I Apply for Both Benefits Simultaneously?

Since long-term disability insurance does not cover on-the-job injuries and workers’ compensation benefits only covers on-the-job injuries, the answer is typically no.

There may be some rare instances in which a person is eligible for both. This depends on a number of factors depending on your situation and the nature of your injury or illness.

How Our Lawyers Can Help

As you can imagine, both workers’ compensation and long-term disability matters can be complicated. In fact, sometimes the complication has everything to do with the nature of your injury or illness and its exact cause.

Our lawyers can hear your side of the story and discuss your best options moving forward. Sometimes we may advise against seeking workers’ compensation and instead suggest legal action against the negligent party responsible for your injuries. Only an experienced attorney can offer sound advice regarding these matters.

Contact Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton

If you have been seriously injured on the job and want to know about your options for insurance benefits and legal action, we encourage you to contact our experienced work injury lawyers. The attorneys of Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton are here to help. You can reach our Provo office by phone at (801) 753-1616, our West Jordan office at (801) 509-7102, our Orem office at (801) 669-8835, and our Saratoga Springs office at (801) 341-8424.