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The Cost of Recklessness: Auto Accidents and Reckless Driving

The Cost of Recklessness: Auto Accidents and Reckless Driving

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Reckless driving is an all-too-common offense that needlessly puts the lives of millions of people at risk throughout the nation on a daily basis. In the state of Utah alone, forms of reckless driving accounted for three of the top five causes of fatalities due to car accidents, truck accidents, and other motor vehicle accidents between 2012 and 2016. Speeding ranked as the number one cause, accounting for 497 deaths, or 40 percent of all deaths that occurred in auto accidents, during that span. By contrast, drunk driving accounted for 158 deaths or 13 percent.

The personal injury attorneys of Flickinger • Boulton • Robson • Weeks believe that reckless drivers should be held accountable for the damage they inflict on the lives of innocent drivers and passengers. If you or someone in your family has been seriously injured in an auto accident caused by someone else’s reckless driving, or if you have tragically lost a beloved member of your family in such an accident, our lawyers can help. In handling claims involving auto accidents and reckless driving, our Provo, UT attorneys use all of the investigative, accident reconstruction, and other resources at their disposal to present the strongest cases possible on behalf of their clients. They would welcome the opportunity to do the same for you.

Don’t hesitate – arrange for an evaluation of your reckless driving accident case today.

What Is Reckless Driving?

Legally, reckless driving encompasses any instance in which the operation of a motor vehicle could be considered dangerous under the circumstances given. Context, therefore, is extremely important in reckless driving cases. Driving 70 miles per hour on a freeway with a posted speed limit of 70 miles per hour on a clear day with little traffic and no obstacles on or defects in the road is absolutely legal; on its face, there is nothing reckless about such an action. If, however, there is ice on that same road and traffic is congested, driving 70 miles per hour might be considered highly dangerous and therefore reckless.

In the state of Utah, reckless driving can also be said to have occurred if a driver commits three or more moving violations of any type within a space of three miles or less while driving continuously.

With either type of reckless driving, the driver is charged with a Misdemeanor B, which is also how a DUI is classified. While unlikely, even a first-time offender could face a fine of up to $1,000 and up to six months in jail. The driver will certainly have 80 points put on his or her driving record. At 200 points, his or her driver’s license can be suspended.

Common examples of reckless driving include:

  • Speeding
  • Tailgating
  • Failure to yield
  • Being distracted by technology
  • Failure to obey street signs
  • Disobeying traffic lights
  • Swerving between lanes
  • Passing when it is illegal or unsafe to do so
  • Driving “buzzed” – that is, while under the influence of alcohol, but not legally intoxicated

Arrange for Your Auto Accident Case Evaluation Today

To arrange for an evaluation of your auto accident case, please contact our personal injury law firm today.