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Month: June 2017

Understanding Circumstances that Lead to Auto Accidents and Wrong Way

Understanding Circumstances that Lead to Auto Accidents and Wrong Way

Wrong way auto accidents are by far the deadliest type of accident for the simple fact that they usually involve a head-on collision at a high speed. For those lucky enough to survive a wrong way auto accident, they could suffer a long-term, debilitating injury. At Flickinger • Boulton • Robson • Weeks in Provo, UT, we have over two decades of experience in handling auto accidents and wrong way driving cases. Our attorneys are equipped to help the victims in auto accidents receive compensation for the pain and suffering they have endured. Why Wrong Way Driving Accidents Happen Wrong

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High Winds and the Risk of Auto Accidents

The Impact of Auto Accidents and Backing Out of Driveways

When thinking about auto accidents and backing out of driveways, you may think about an easily avoidable situation. When you back out of a driveway, you need to be cognizant that children, pets, pedestrians, bicyclists, and cars can appear at any moment. Unfortunately, drivers are not always aware of their surroundings. Auto accidents can seriously hurt or even kill someone. If you have been injured by someone backing out of their driveway, the attorneys at Flickinger • Boulton • Robson • Weeks in Provo, UT can help you receive the compensation you deserve for your hardship. Why Driveway Accidents Happen

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The Impact of Auto Accidents and Changing Lanes

Picture this scenario: you are driving the speed limit and keeping your eyes on the road when suddenly, without signaling, the driver to your right changes into your lane. Before you can react, he crashes into you. As a result, you wind up suffering a long-term injury that keeps you away from work and you are left wondering how you will afford to pay your medical bills. At Flickinger • Boulton • Robson • Weeks in Provo, UT, we have handled many cases involving auto accidents and improper lane changes. Victims of auto accidents may be able to obtain compensation

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Tailgating Increases the Risk of Auto Accidents

Tailgating Increases the Risk of Auto Accidents

Tailgating is a dangerous habit. Driving too close behind another vehicle doesn’t allow enough space to brake safely in the event of an abrupt stop, which can result in a collision and serious injuries. Victims of auto accidents caused by tailgating may be entitled to compensation for damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. If you have been injured by another person’s reckless driving and would like more information about your rights regarding auto accidents and tailgating, contact the Provo, UT accident attorneys at Flickinger • Boulton • Robson • Weeks. What Is Tailgating? Tailgating is the

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Highway Auto Accidents Can Cause Serious and Fatal Injuries

Auto Accidents & Improper Lane Changes Can Cause Severe injury

It is not uncommon for auto accidents to occur as the result of an improper or unsafe lane change, especially in overly populated areas, such as Salt Lake City County. Auto accidents can happen quickly and usually occur when you least expect them. A car accident can lead to severe injury, loss of income, and costly medical bills. Choosing a trustworthy law firm to handle your case allows you to receive adequate compensation. Our attorneys at Flickinger • Boulton • Robson • Weeks, PC are extremely qualified at handling auto accidents and improper lane changes for clients in the Provo,

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