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Understanding Circumstances that Lead to Auto Accidents and Wrong Way

Understanding Circumstances that Lead to Auto Accidents and Wrong Way

Wrong way auto accidents are by far the deadliest type of accident for the simple fact that they usually involve a head-on collision at a high speed. For those lucky enough to survive a wrong way auto accident, they could suffer a long-term, debilitating injury. At Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton in Provo, UT, we have over two decades of experience in handling auto accidents and wrong way driving cases. Our attorneys are equipped to help the victims in auto accidents receive compensation for the pain and suffering they have endured. Why Wrong Way Driving Accidents Happen Wrong way driving auto accidents are becoming increasingly common. Circumstances that lead to them include: Drunk Driving: You have likely heard on the news at one point or another a story about a drunk driver going the wrong way on the highway. Alcohol affects your ability to operate a motor vehicle. It also impacts your ability to see and understand the signs you are reading. A drunk driver may mistakenly enter an exit ramp and wind up causing a fatal head-on collision. Difficulty Understanding Signs: Drunk drivers are not the only ones who experience difficulty reading signs. When visibility is low, drivers with below average eyesight may struggle to make out instructions on what to do. Lack of Signs: Clearly marked signs are scarce or often missing, especially in more rural areas. Drivers are left to assume which ramp is the entrance ramp in such cases. Poor Visibility: Inclement weather, such as fog, heavy rain, and snow can affect your ability to read signs. Distracted Driving: Drivers who are texting, talking on the phone, or talking to passengers may mistakenly enter an exit ramp. Confusing or Poor Ramp Design: There is no uniform design for entrance and exit ramps. Parallel ramps can be particularly confusing for some drivers. Facts about Wrong Way Driving Most of the time, drivers responsible for wrong way accidents are under the influence of alcohol when they happen. However, drunk drivers are not the only causes of wrong way accidents. Even sober drivers with full mental capacity can cause a crash. Here are some facts about wrong way driving: Drivers above the age of 70 account for a disproportionately high percentage of wrong way accidents. Wrong way driving accidents are more common on the weekend than they are during the week, due in large part to the increased percentage of intoxicated drivers on the road. Wrong way accidents are more likely to happen at night. Poor visibility, fatigue, and alcohol play a role in this. Entering an exit ramp is the most common way in which drivers end up going in the wrong direction. On average, about one person dies every day in a wrong way driving accident. Visit Us Online If you suffer an injury in a wrong way driving accident, you may be rewarded compensation to cover your costs. The elite team of attorneys at Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton will work to make sure you receive full compensation for your damages. To learn more, visit us online or call us today at (801) 370-0505.

The Impact of Auto Accidents and Backing Out of Driveways

High Winds and the Risk of Auto Accidents

When thinking about auto accidents and backing out of driveways, you may think about an easily avoidable situation. When you back out of a driveway, you need to be cognizant that children, pets, pedestrians, bicyclists, and cars can appear at any moment. Unfortunately, drivers are not always aware of their surroundings. Auto accidents can seriously hurt or even kill someone. If you have been injured by someone backing out of their driveway, the attorneys at Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton in Provo, UT can help you receive the compensation you deserve for your hardship. Why Driveway Accidents Happen Driveway accidents happen for a variety of reasons, however, the root cause almost always boils down to the driver demonstrating a degree of carelessness and inattentiveness. Drivers can be preoccupied by a number of things: the presentation they are about to give at work, the GPS system they are trying to master, their phone. However, all of these things can be dealt with prior to placing the car in motion. Even momentary distraction can cause a great deal of damage. In other cases, even when the driver is alert and cognizant, children and pets can run out the front door or garage unbeknownst to the other parent, placing them in grave danger. Teaching your children to avoid running in front of and behind a parked or moving car could help prevent serious injury. Victims in Driveway Accidents Because driveways are usually located in residential areas, there are many potential victims when a careless or inattentive driver backs out of the driveway. They include: Children: Especially in summertime, children like to play in the street. They are often preoccupied playing and unaware of their surroundings. It is the driver’s responsibility to know when children are playing in the street. Pedestrians: People love to walk their dog, go for a run, or simply get a little fresh air. Drivers must account for these pedestrians when backing out. Bicyclists: Bicycles are fast and, due to their size, less visible than cars. They can go unnoticed by a driver who is not paying close attention. Other Cars: The faster you drive, the less room for error. If another car is approaching as you back out, the driver may not have time or room to avoid you. You must always look left, right, and behind you before moving. Preventing Driveway Accidents Drivers can reduce their likelihood of causing an accident by taking a few simple precautions: Do not hurry: You will not save much time, if any, by speeding out of your driveway. All you will do is endanger anyone in the immediate vicinity. Do a walk around: Make a habit of walking around your car prior to leaving. Check whether any kids are playing nearby and if any toys are in the driveway. Toys can attract children and pets to venture into harm’s way. Talk to your kids: Speak to your kids about the dangers of playing in the street and behind cars. Teach them to constantly be on the lookout for cars. Schedule a Consultation If you were hit by a driver backing out of a driveway, you could end up suffering serious long-term medical and financial hardship. The experienced attorneys at Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton will work on your behalf to ensure that you receive proper compensation to cover your expenses. To schedule a consultation, visit us online or call us at (801) 370-0505 today.

The Impact of Auto Accidents and Changing Lanes

Picture this scenario: you are driving the speed limit and keeping your eyes on the road when suddenly, without signaling, the driver to your right changes into your lane. Before you can react, he crashes into you. As a result, you wind up suffering a long-term injury that keeps you away from work and you are left wondering how you will afford to pay your medical bills. At Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton in Provo, UT, we have handled many cases involving auto accidents and improper lane changes. Victims of auto accidents may be able to obtain compensation to cover their expenses. Common Causes of an Improper Lane Change Accident Improper lane changes leave drivers with no time to react and no room to avoid an accident. Typically, improper lane change accidents happen when: The driver fails to signal before changing lanes The driver fails to check rear-view mirrors before changing lanes The driver failed to align the rear-view mirrors correctly prior to driving The driver fails to account for vehicles in his or her blind spot The driver attempts to change across multiple lanes in a single maneuver The driver was using a cell phone to text or make a phone call The driver was speeding and, after changing lanes, was forced to slam on the brakes directly in front of you The driver was fatigued The driver was intoxicated The driver was negligent or reckless Common Injuries Resulting from an Improper Lane Change Accident Many factors play a role in the outcome of an improper lane change accident, such as the speed at which you and the other driver were going, whether or not you and the other driver were wearing seatbelts, and what type of car you and the other driver were in. Outcomes of improper lane change accidents often include: Death Paralysis Traumatic brain injury Internal organ failure Burns Broken bones Lacerations Bruising and cuts The Importance of a Good Personal Injury Attorney In Utah, drivers are required to purchase personal injury protection (PIP) to cover medical bills, lost wages, and any other expense incurred as a result of an accident. However, PIP only covers $3,000. Provided the accident resulted in medical expenses in excess of $3,000, death, dismemberment, permanent disability, or permanent disfigurement, you meet the threshold to file a claim for damages. While the court cannot fix your injury, they can order that the responsible party pay you money for their wrongdoing. At Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton, we will assess your individual needs and present the facts to make sure you receive the money you need. Schedule a Consultation An auto accident can cause lasting physical, emotional, and financial pain. If you are a victim in an improper lane change accident, do not settle for less than you are owed. Our experienced attorneys at Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton will work on your behalf to ensure that you receive adequate compensation to cover your losses. To learn more, visit us online or call (801) 370-0505 today to schedule a free initial consultation.

Tailgating Increases the Risk of Auto Accidents

Tailgating Increases the Risk of Auto Accidents

Tailgating is a dangerous habit. Driving too close behind another vehicle doesn’t allow enough space to brake safely in the event of an abrupt stop, which can result in a collision and serious injuries. Victims of auto accidents caused by tailgating may be entitled to compensation for damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. If you have been injured by another person’s reckless driving and would like more information about your rights regarding auto accidents and tailgating, contact the Provo, UT accident attorneys at Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton. What Is Tailgating? Tailgating is the term used to describe the act of driving too closely to the vehicle in front of you. Due to the short distance between cars, tailgating often makes it impossible to avoid a collision when an abrupt stop is necessary. Because of this, tailgating may be considered a traffic violation in many states. Why Do People Tailgate? Tailgating is a dangerous habit, not to mention it is actually illegal in most states. Despite the risk of a traffic ticket or an accident, tailgating is a common problem on the road. People may tailgate for a variety of reason, some of the most common being: In a hurry: Drivers who are in a hurry or feel “stuck” behind a slower driver may tailgate as a means to try to force the other driver to drive faster. Road rage: Some drivers who become angry at other drivers on the road may tailgate to take out their anger and intimidate others. Distracted driving: Drivers who are distracted while driving, whether by their cell phone, radio, or other passengers, may drive too close to others, not realizing they are tailgating. Careless or inexperienced drivers: Some drivers are simply careless or inexperienced and misjudge the space between their automobile and the vehicle they’re following, causing them to follow too closely. Trying to prevent cut-ins or merging: Some drivers will tailgate to prevent anyone from cutting or merging in front of them. How to Avoid a Tailgating Accident One of the best ways to avoid a tailgating accident is to avoid this practice. Knowing how much distance to keep between yourself and the car in front of you is key to preventing tailgating. One way to do this is by using the two-second rule. With the two-second rule, simply pick a fixed point on the road and once the car in front of you passes that point count two seconds. If you pass the fixed point within your two-second count, you are driving too closely and should back off the driver in front of you. If weather conditions hazardous, use four seconds or more instead to adjust for poor driving conditions. A Car Accident Attorney Can Help Maximize Your Settlement If you or a loved one have been injured in a car accident as a result of someone tailgating you or otherwise driving recklessly, it is important to contact a car accident attorney. An experienced attorney can help ensure victims of car accidents receive the maximum compensation for their injuries and other damages, including lost wages, medical expenses, and pain and suffering. Contact the Car Accident Attorneys of Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton If you would like to learn more about your legal rights following a car accident, please contact the law firm of Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton to speak with our experienced accident attorneys.

Auto Accidents & Improper Lane Changes Can Cause Severe injury

Highway Auto Accidents Can Cause Serious and Fatal Injuries

It is not uncommon for auto accidents to occur as the result of an improper or unsafe lane change, especially in overly populated areas, such as Salt Lake City County. Auto accidents can happen quickly and usually occur when you least expect them. A car accident can lead to severe injury, loss of income, and costly medical bills. Choosing a trustworthy law firm to handle your case allows you to receive adequate compensation. Our attorneys at Flickinger, Sutterfield & Boulton, PC are extremely qualified at handling auto accidents and improper lane changes for clients in the Provo, UT, area. What Is Considered an Improper Lane Change? As one of the leading causes of auto accidents, improper lane changes occur daily and can be the result of a variety of reasons, including: Failing to properly signal or use your blinker when making a lane change Moving into another lane in order to avoid debris on the road Driving distracted or drunk and inadvertently drifting into a nearby lane Failing to check mirrors and blind spots before changing lanes Moving into the same lane simultaneously as another car Moving into a nearby turn lane as both you and another driver are turning Making an illegal turn Driving recklessly and causing another driver to hit you from behind Common Injuries from Improper Lane Changes The type of injury varies from client to client and will depend on a variety of factors, such as the type of car you were driving, how fast you and the other car were driving, environmental factors, and whether seatbelts were used. Common injuries suffered as a result of improper lane changes include: Broken bones Head and facial injuries Back and neck injuries Lacerations and contusions Spinal cord injuries Paralysis Death Meeting with an Attorney If you proceed with us, one of our lawyers will open an investigation to prove who is at fault. This will involve reviewing the appropriate documentation, such as doctor’s notes, police reports, and images, to ensure maximum compensation is received. Although insurance companies help cover some costs, they don’t always provide adequate coverage, especially if the driver at fault does not have insurance. Our lawyers will ensure you receive maximum compensation to cover your injuries, past and future medical bills, property damage, home health care, and lost earnings and wages. When an injury is severe and has resulted in paralysis, you may be able to seek compensation for house renovations to make your home wheelchair friendly. In cases where a fatality has occurred, our lawyers can also seek compensation for pain and suffering for the affected family. Contact Us Today If you have been injured as a result of an improper lane change and do not believe you have received adequate coverage from the insurance companies, it may be time to seek help from a personal injury lawyer. We offer free, no-obligation consultations for interested clients and there are no attorney fees unless you are awarded compensation. To schedule your consultation, contact our law firm today online or by calling (801) 370-0505.