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Where Do Most Truck Accidents Occur?

Where Do Most Truck Accidents Occur?

You may assume accidents involving large commercial vehicles only occur on city interstates; however, most truck accidents occur on rural roads. Though the fast speeds and traffic congestion on highways might suggest a greater risk of a mishap, only 33% of large truck crashes in 2018 happened on interstates and freeways. Why Do Most Truck Accidents Occur on Rural Roads? In 2018, 52% of deaths in truck accidents occurred on roads other than interstates and freeways. Why is this so? Drivers Are More Attentive in Highly Populated Areas While inside city limits, truck drivers generally reduce their speeds and pay more attention to their surroundings. Speed limits are usually lower within cities than they are on major roads in rural areas. Some cities even have speed limits specific to truck drivers that are generally about 10 miles per hour slower than personal vehicles. Rural Areas Promote Lax Driving Distracted driving is one of the most common causes of car accidents in the United States. In rural areas, there are usually not many vehicles sharing the road at the same time. The roads seem to stretch for an endless number of miles and it can be easy to become distracted or even doze off accidentally. There is a higher likelihood of being overly lax while driving when the surroundings are comfortable. What Time of Day Do Most Truck Crashes Occur? The time of day you are driving can also contribute to the likelihood of being involved in a truck accident. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, 19% of large truck accidents in 2018 occurred between noon and 3:00 p.m. Consequently, this resulted in 790 deaths. The least hazardous time to drive was between 9:00 p.m. and midnight, which resulted in 7% of deaths. Tips on Avoiding a Truck Accident Pay attention to the road at all times. Avoid looking down at a cell phone, eating, or other inattentive behaviors while driving. If you are driving near a truck, avoid driving in their blind spots. Don’t assume that they can see you. If you can’t see the truck driver in their side mirror, you are following too closely. Use clear signals and allow plenty of room when changing lanes in front of a truck. Loaded tractor-trailers take 20-40 percent farther than cars to stop, so they probably won’t be able to stop fast enough if you are too close. If possible, you should not change lanes in front of a truck when going uphill or downhill. Maintain a safe distance from trucks in order to prevent getting hit by any flying debris. If you are far enough away, it will be easier for you to steer clear of flying objects. You also want to have some space between you and the truck in the event of a blown out tire or high winds. Get Help After an Accident with Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton Our team at Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton has spent over 25 years assisting Utah citizens after truck accidents. We are here to help you handle the aftermath and receive the compensation you deserve. We have offices throughout Utah County and West Jordan, Utah. Schedule your free case evaluation today.

What is the Number One Cause of Wrongful Death?

What is the Number One Cause of Wrongful Deat

There are countless causes of negligent deaths, but the most common cause of wrongful death is automobile accidents. Today, we are looking into why automobile accidents are the number one cause of negligent death and what to do if your loved one is a victim of this fatality. What is Wrongful Death? Wrongful death is the result of a fatality caused by the recklessness or negligence of another person. This can occur in a variety of ways. A wrongful death lawsuit is a claim made against another person who can be held liable for a death. Surviving parents, spouses, or children can file a claim against the person who caused the loss. What is the #1 Cause of Wrongful Death? According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, approximately 36,000 people died in motor vehicle crashes in 2019. Noting this statistic, it is no surprise that the number one cause of wrongful death is automobile accidents. These types of calamities can involve vehicles or pedestrians and can occur due to many factors, including: Drunk or impaired driving Speeding or recklessness Inattentive driving Poor weather Auto or road defects Although unintentional, deaths are far too common on United States roads. Practicing safe driving is imperative to reduce the fatal statistics associated with automobile accidents. Other Examples of Wrongful Death  The ways wrongful death can occur are innumerable. Aside from motor vehicle accidents, here are some of the most common offenders of wrongful death: Aviation accidents Birth injuries that lead to death Medical malpractice Workplace accidents Product liability Premise liability Violence Drowning, boating, or other recreation accidents Who Can Pursue a Wrongful Death Claim? It varies from state to state, but generally, a wrongful death claim has to be made by an immediate relative. In Utah, the lawsuit can only be pursued by legal heirs, and only one claim can be filed in total. Utah defines legal heirs as all immediate surviving family members, including: Spouse Children Parents Stepchildren under 18 If none of these heirs exist, any other blood relative can file the lawsuit. How Long Do I Have to File a Wrongful Death Claim?  The statute of limitations for wrongful death claims in Utah is two years after the death occurs. If the claim is against a government agency, the claim must be filed within one year instead of two. A wrongful death must be filed in a civil court. We advise consulting with a qualified attorney that understands how a wrongful death case operates specifically in Utah. Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton is Here for You Regardless of the cause of wrongful death, a lawsuit should be handled by experts who can reduce any additional pain to the surviving family. At Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton, we understand that nothing can erase the pain of losing someone you love to someone else’s negligence; however, a wrongful death lawsuit can help you hold those responsible accountable for their actions. We have offices in West Jordan and Utah County, Utah. Contact us for a free case evaluation today.

How Often Are Pedestrians Hit by Vehicles?

How Often Are Pedestrians Hit by Vehicles?

Whether you are walking to the store, home from school, or from your car to work, most people are pedestrians at some point during the day.  Unfortunately, pedestrian deaths and injuries are all too common.  According to the CDC, in 2017, there were 5,977 pedestrian deaths due to vehicle accidents. That equates to one death every 88 minutes. And 137,000 pedestrians went to the emergency room due to a non-fatal pedestrian accident. With this knowledge, it is important to learn the best practices to stay safe while walking. Best Practices for Pedestrian Safety Death or injury from a vehicle is all too common, so it is imperative that pedestrians take the responsibility to learn how to walk safely. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration provided the following safety tips to pedestrians: Be Predictable Obey the traffic signs and rules of the road while walking. Drivers expect that pedestrians will follow the standard rules, and when those rules are broken, the probability of an accident increases. Use Sidewalks Use designated sidewalks when available; This is one of the most important tips to follow to ensure pedestrian safety. When a sidewalk is not available, you should walk facing traffic and be as far away from the vehicles as possible. Make Eye Contact Never expect that a driver can see you. When walking by a vehicle or crossing the street, make eye contact with the driver to confirm that they are aware of you. Be Alert While walking, make sure that you are alert and aware of your surroundings at all times. It can be easy to be engrossed in your phone or another mobile device. This distraction can lure you into danger if you are not careful. Avoid Alcohol and Other Substances  If you know that you need to walk a distance outside, avoid alcohol or other substances that can impair your judgment. Use Crosswalks When you need to cross the road, use a crosswalk. When a crosswalk is not available, look for an area where you are easily seen. Remember to look both ways for vehicles when crossing the road, with or without a crosswalk. Safety Tips for Children During the school season, millions of kids walk home from school every day. Along with the tips listed above, The NHTSA mentions additional tips to help children remain safe while walking to and from school. Watch the Road, Not Your Phone Children are much less likely to pay attention to their surroundings while walking than adults. Remind your children to keep their eyes up instead of at their phones or other devices. After a long day at school, they are probably excited to use their devices again, but remind them not to do so while walking. Do Not Play While Walking Horseplay is common when a group of children is walking together. This can distract the children from their surroundings and can accidentally send a child into the road. Talk to your children about the importance of utilizing their walking space safely. Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton is Here For You If you are a pedestrian and find yourself in an accident, please reach out to Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton for assistance. Our team can help you collect the compensation you deserve. We have offices throughout Utah County and West Jordan, Utah. Schedule your free case evaluation today.

Seat Belt Laws in Utah

Seat Belt Laws in Utah

Wearing a seat belt is an absolute necessity when operating or riding in a motor vehicle. This is why there are several seat belt laws in Utah.  The Utah Department of Public Safety states that “seat belts are the most effective safety device for preventing death or injury.” When driving, it is important to understand Utah’s laws about wearing a seat belt to ensure the safety of the driver and passengers. All Passengers Must Wear a Seat Belt According to the Motor Vehicle Safety Belt Usage Act, all passengers in a vehicle must wear a seat belt that fits properly and is securely fastened. The purpose of this law is to help motivate drivers and passengers to always wear a seat belt. If a seat belt is not properly worn, you are at the risk of receiving a citation. Even worse than fines, major injury and death can occur without the use of a seat belt. The use of a seat belt can reduce the risk of injury or death by 50% when they are used correctly. Buckle up instead of taking such a huge risk. Children Under 8 Car seats are essential for children under the age of eight. Children’s bodies are too small for seat belts to be helpful in a car crash. The proper use of a car seat can significantly reduce the chance of injury or death when in an accident. Car seats are most effective when they are the correct model based on the size and weight of the child. Do your research to determine the most accurate model for your child, and then take the time to install it correctly. Once a child is 57 inches or taller, they can begin to use a seat belt. They should be able to naturally rest their back against the seat of the car and bend their knees over the edge of the seat. Drivers are Responsible Seat belt laws in Utah clearly state who is responsible for the passengers in the car. The driver is legally responsible for any passenger who is 16-years-old or younger; this applies to whether or not they are wearing a seat belt. This is an immense responsibility. When driving, make sure all passengers are appropriately buckled in, not only for their own safety, but in order to avoid a citation as well. The Citation If a driver is pulled over and they, or a passenger, are not properly using a seat belt or a car seat, a $45 citation can be issued. A warning may be given in place of the first citation if the police officer sees fit. In certain situations, the fine can be waived if a 30-minute, online safety course is completed. Common Offenders According to the Department of Safety, males aged 18-34 are the most common offenders of not using a seat belt. After that, males who are 55 and older are the most common. No matter the age or gender, every person should use a seat belt. Again, the risk is far too high to take a chance. Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton You may be following all of the seat belt laws in Utah, but even the safest and most skilled drivers are not immune to accidents. If you become involved in an accident, Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton is here to help. We have offices in Utah County and West Jordan. Contact us to discuss your situation.

Why Does a Multiple Impact Car Accident Happen?

Why Does a Multiple Impact Car Accident Happen?

A multiple impact car accident can cause serious damages and injuries, emotional trauma, and financial strain very quickly. Being involved in a car accident is an inherently stressful situation, but it is even more jarring when many cars are involved. There is so much going on that it can be difficult to comprehend exactly what happened and what to do next. Understanding why these kinds of accidents occur may help you avoid them in the future. What Constitutes a Multiple Impact Car Accident? Technically, a multi-car accident is an accident involving more than two vehicles. This is also often called a “chain reaction accident.” Chain reactions are more complicated than a two-vehicle collision because there can be multiple people at fault. These types of accidents usually occur on high-speed routes such as freeways, making them one of the deadliest forms of traffic collisions. Common Causes of Multiple Car Pile-Ups Low-visibility Low-visibility conditions are one of the main causes of multiple car pile-ups. These conditions can result from inclement weather such as rain and heavy fog, or simply from driving too closely to the car in front of you. It can be extremely difficult to stop quickly and safely when following too closely. Negligence Distracted driving can lead to major vehicle collisions. You should always strive to keep your eyes on the road, but especially when you are driving on a high-capacity/high-speed route. Speeding Speeding has been the number one cause of car accidents in Utah for several years in a row. Speeding magnifies driver error and makes it increasingly difficult to stop in a safe and timely manner. It is not uncommon for speeding to result in multiple car pile-ups. What to Do If You’re in a Multi-Car Accident Because there are so many variables to take in, it can be incredibly stressful to know what to do if you find yourself in a multiple impact car collision. Following these steps will help you stay calm and rational during this nerve-racking situation. Stay in your vehicle. Turn on your hazard lights. Call 911. Once authorities have arrived, begin collecting information. Try to gather as much evidence as safely as possible. This includes photos, police reports, insurance information, license plates, and eyewitness accounts. See a doctor for a physical examination, even if you don’t think you have sustained any severe injuries. Call your insurance company. Find a personal injury lawyer. Assigning Fault It is usually fairly simple to assign fault in a two-car accident situation; however, when there are many cars involved, the fault line is usually more blurred. It may take more time to determine exactly who is at fault. Authorities will gather statements from each driver involved in the crash along with any eyewitnesses. They will study property damage as well as any footage that may have been obtained. Moreover, they may even need to reconstruct the pile-up to fully assess what happened. Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton is Here to Help If you are involved in a multiple impact car accident, reach out to the personal injury attorneys at Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton. Our attorneys will advocate for your best interest as they pursue your claim. We have offices throughout Utah County and West Jordan. Schedule your free case evaluation today.

What Time of Day Do Most Motorcycle Accidents Happen?

What Time of Day Do Most Motorcycle Accidents Happen?

Although motorcycles are a great mode of transportation, motorcycle accidents can happen at any time to even the most skilled drivers. The freedom and exhilaration that comes from riding motorcycles make them quite popular to own. Once a person owns a motorcycle, the responsibility of driving safely falls onto them. New owners need to understand how they can be safe on the road. Recognizing when most motorcycle collisions happen is a big step toward practicing safe motorcycle driving habits. This could save your life or the life of a loved one. The Most Dangerous Time According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the hours of 3-9 pm are deadliest to motorcyclists. In 2017, 25% of all motorcycle accidents involving an injury happened in that 6-hour time frame. NHTSA also collected data showing that in 2017, 42% of all motorcycle fatalities happened during this time. 3-9 pm is the most dangerous time to be riding a motorcycle, with Saturdays and Sundays being the most hazardous. In 2015, the NHSTA found that 2,400 accidents happened during one weekend, and 2,556 accidents happened during the week prior. You should be especially careful while driving your motorcycle during the 3-9 pm time frame on the weekend. Causes There are many reasons behind motorcycle collisions. Most of the time, they can be chalked up to unsafe and inattentive driving. Speeding, impaired or drowsy driving, abrupt lane changes, and unsafe left turns are all major causes of these accidents. Attentive driving is vital for all individuals sharing the road. Please be aware of the other vehicles in the area, the traffic laws, and your current mental/physical ability to drive. Rush Hour Traffic One of the main reasons that these accidents happen during the 3-9 pm time frame is rush hour traffic. Many people get off work and are simultaneously heading home making it one of the busiest times of day. Having so many people attempting to share the road can cause traffic jams, road rage, and distracted driving. Drivers are more likely to make poor decisions that can potentially become hazardous to motorcyclists. Visibility Visibility can be severely impaired during these six dangerous hours of driving. Having so many cars on the road all at once can make it difficult to see far ahead. In addition, the rush hour time frame usually coincides with the setting sun. This can blind motorists, affecting their visibility, thus resulting in poor decision making. One recommendation for motorcyclists is to wear a bright colored jacket while operating the motorcycle. This can help other motorists notice you, even if the sun is impairing their vision. What to Do If You Are Involved in an Accident Even the most safe and skilled drivers may find themselves in an accident. Make sure to exchange information with the other driver, call the police, take pictures of any damages, and alert your insurance company. You may also want to work with an attorney for a variety of reasons after your accident. Flickinger Sutterfield and Boulton is Here for You Motorcycle accidents can unfortunately occur at any time of day. If you find yourself in this situation, reach out to our experienced attorneys to review the best course of action. We can help you obtain your rightful compensation for any damages. We have offices throughout Utah County and West Jordan. Contact us to schedule your free case evaluation today.

What To Look For In A Nursing Home

What To Look For In A Nursing Home

Selecting a nursing home for yourself or a loved one can be difficult, and it’s a stressful decision that you should make with care. Many people wonder what they should consider when selecting a home. Here are some items that you should review when making this important decision. The Staff The staff at the nursing home is going to have the most interaction with the loved one. Be observant of how they treat the other residents. Do they seem to have their best interests in heart? Are they professional and respectful with their treatment of the other residents? Do they create a comfortable and relaxed environment? These are questions that should be asked while you are observing. Observing and communicating with the administration is vital when making this decision. The home’s administrator is responsible for the type of care for your loved one and is also the main point of contact. Make sure the administrator is easily accessible and available. If the administrator is difficult to contact, this could be considered a red flag. Location A care center should be within close proximity to loved ones. If an emergency were to happen, a 10-15 minute drive is a lot more doable than an hour long trip. A close facility can provide a lot of peace of mind. Social and family visits are easier to make when the facility is close in proximity. These visits help to maintain familial relationships and make the loved one feel a sense of connection and purpose. The Size Is your loved one an introvert or an extrovert? Would they thrive in a big group of people or would they prefer smaller crowds and some time alone? If your loved one is an extrovert, is there a lot of space for activities and many people to interact with? If they are an introvert, are there smaller activity groups or other locations for solo activities? These are just some of the questions you should consider as you make a decision in the size of the facility. Checklist Medicare provides a comprehensive checklist of items that should be covered when selecting a care center. Included in the checklist is the basic information of the facility, safety and care, proper certifications, the appearance, the menu, and other important factors.  Use this as a template when making the final decision. Ask a lot of questions, observe, and trust your gut. If a certain facility does meet these qualifications, do not be afraid to say no and look at other options. There are a lot of nursing facilities that provide different levels of care and attention to their residents.  Take the time to make sure that the facility that you choose will meet the needs of your loved ones. Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton is Here for You If your loved one is not receiving proper care in their current nursing home situation, our experienced attorneys are here to help you fight for the care they deserve. We strive to ensure that negligent nursing homes are held accountable for any degree of abuse or neglect. We have offices throughout Utah County and West Jordan. Schedule your free case evaluation today.    

What are the Pros and Cons of Going to Trial for Medical Malpractice?

What are the Pros and Cons of Going to Trial for Medical Malpractice?

If you or someone you love is a victim of medical negligence, you might be considering taking the case to trial. Although a considerable amount of trust is placed in medical professionals, it is unfortunately not uncommon for malpractice to occur. A 2016 study from John Hopkins University suggests that medical error is the third leading cause of death in the United States. There is no one correct answer when deciding whether or not to resolve your case within a courtroom setting, but reviewing some pros and cons may help ease the burden of this decision. The Pros   Trials Help Healthcare Providers Maintain Acceptable Standards of Care Medical professionals will be less likely to implement unsafe practices if they face a potential lawsuit. They will be paying in terms of their time, money, and perhaps even their license if negligence ensues. Courts also often impose disciplinary damages which are designed to act as a deterrent. Trials are accessible to the public, so you can trust that the offender will be held accountable if the jury finds in your favor. Increased Compensation Jury awards are generally larger than the compensation offered from a settlement. Typically, when medical malpractice occurs, the patient ends up in worse shape than they were beforehand. With litigation, you will receive full compensation for the adverse healthcare that took place. If you are left with severe injuries or your medical treatment exceeds the amount offered from a settlement, it is best to go to court.   More Meaningful Closure Navigating your case through a trial may help you receive more meaningful closure. Being a victim of medical negligence can make you feel violated in such a way that going through the whole court process may be more fulfilling than settling. The Cons   High Costs Although you are likely to receive more compensation from taking your case to court, litigation is expensive. Attorneys will need to spend more time gathering witnesses and taking depositions resulting in more fees. It will also likely take longer for you to receive your final payout after the trial concludes. Case Uncertainty There is always some degree of doubt about the success of a case if it goes to trial. Even if you feel like the evidence is quite clear, the jury may see it through a different lens than you. Putting the decision in the hands of a jury does not always result in your desired outcome. Trials are Time-consuming Medical malpractice litigations can last for many years and be quite stressful. These proceedings can be emotionally and physically difficult for victims to handle. A patient that is struggling with their health may have a hard time frequently appearing at court proceedings. Negotiating a settlement usually takes much less time than going through the whole process of a trial. Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton Can Help Surviving a medical malpractice incident can be traumatizing, but our experienced personal injury attorneys are here to help. Whether or not you decide to take your case to trial, you can trust that Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton will help you receive the compensation you deserve. We have offices in Utah County and West Jordan. Schedule your free case evaluation today.