As a frequent proprietor of I-15, especially through the Wasatch Front, I have seen a myriad of advertisements. From the local companies and small businesses to the big corporations and unusual campaigns. KSL recently released an article all about Utah billboards and which ones stand out. As my husband and I have driven up and down I-15, we talk about the billboards that catch our attention. And when I travel outside of Utah, I also see huge billboards advertising a myriad of products and businesses and shows. Every sign fights harder to get our attention, Google a company, or purchase a product. We are so used to this form of advertising but can these off road distractions become dangerous?
With a billboard every mile or so, there is something constantly dragging out attention from the road in front of us. And with the ever increasing amount of digital signs, the signs are getting brighter and each change takes our attention from the road.
This research study and critique by the California State Department of Transportation reviews several studies on this subject. For many years, other cities and states have been studying the effects of billboards on our attention span. After looking and reading through these studies, we have a few different conclusions.
What Do the Studies Say?
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHSTA), first published a study in 2008. The study was “based on data collected using eye tracking tools, their results show digital billboards affect visual attention of drivers, which potentially leads to road accidents.” They found that out of all the drivers they studied, younger and newer drivers were more likely to be distracted by billboards. Older generation drivers were also affected by outside distractions, with tests showing they often looked away for almost two seconds. These two seconds are enough time to miss something important and cause an accident.
A study in 2009, by Norway’s Institute of Transport Economics, looked into reasons for car accidents. They asked drivers, after a crash, what had caused the collision, and there were many answers. But they did find that one of the main causes was a distraction outside of the vehicle, often noted as a billboard. There was another study in 2010 sponsored by the Israel National Roads Authority. They tracked a length of road with billboards, which they covered for a few months and then uncovered for a few months. Then they looked into how many accidents happened during each phase. The study found that the amount of crashes went down about 60% when the billboards were covered.
A more recent study in 2016, from the New England University Transportation Center & MIT Age Lab, studied the effect of digital billboards on drivers. They concluded that drivers looked specifically when the screen changed, and the “dwell times for such signs should be considerably longer.” The digital signs continually pull our attention away more from the road. With a growth in the amount of digital signs, there are even more distractions on the road.
In Conclusion
There are several more studies that show that billboards, especially digital ads, are distracting to drivers. They are not the cause of all accidents, but billboards might be an added danger to the roads. Because it is so important to keep your eyes on the road, and even more when going at such high speeds, you should be aware of how billboards affect you. When we know that billboards can be dangerous, we can work on focusing on the road as we drive.
If you have been injured in an accident, contact Flickinger Boulton Robson Weeks today to discuss your legal options. Our Utah personal injury lawyers will provide the guidance you need to protect your rights and secure fair compensation.
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