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How Can I Help a Loved One Heal from Nursing Home Abuse?

How Can I Help a Loved One Heal from Nursing Home Abuse?

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Finding out that your loved one was mistreated in their care facility is devastating, and they will need to heal from nursing home abuse.

Unfortunately, elders are not always able to speak out about their mistreatment, but recognizing the signs and knowing how to aid in their recovery can better help you protect them.

Types of Nursing Home Abuse

Unfortunately, there are many ways elders can be abused in care facilities. The following are the most common types of nursing home abuse:

  • Physical Abuse – This is when pain or injury is intentionally inflicted on a resident. This can include slapping, shaking, or shoving.
  • Emotional Abuse – This occurs when someone causes mental or psychological pain through verbal or non-verbal actions. This can be done through coercion, harassment, or ignoring the resident.
  • Sexual Abuse – This type of abuse includes any non-consensual sexual activity.

Signs of Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing home neglect can be hard to detect and sometimes your loved one might be too embarrassed or scared to speak up. It is important to be aware and look for potential signs of maltreatment. Here are a few red flags to watch out for:

  • Bruising or abrasions
  • Open wounds and bedsores
  • Loss of hair
  • Poor hygiene
  • The disappearance of personal items
  • Emotional withdrawal
  • Childish or odd behavior
  • Apathy  

Healing from Nursing Home Abuse

As you help your loved one heal from nursing home abuse, remember that everyone processes and reacts to trauma in their own way. Understand that recovery is not a “one size fits all” plan. Regardless of the type of mistreatment, your loved one must be able to feel that you have their full support. Reassure them that there is no need to feel any shame or embarrassment surrounding the situation.

Mental and physical healing is a journey, not a sprint. Having a support system along every step of the way will increase the success of their recovery. Help them take control of their situation by committing to them throughout this process.

Moreover, meeting with an abuse recovery counselor is an essential part of healing. Professional counseling will help you and your loved one cope with the mental and physical anguish of abuse. Once they are making progress, they might be ready to find a new facility or home to live in. New living accommodations and a change of scenery can help them regain control and move forward from the incident.

If Your Loved One Has Suffered Abuse, Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton Can Help

As you strive to help your loved one heal from nursing home abuse, Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton is here to fight for the care they deserve. We understand how critical it is to hold negligent nursing homes accountable for any degree of abuse or neglect their staff has inflicted upon their residents.

Our offices are located in Orem, Provo, Saratoga Springs, and West Jordan, Utah. Schedule your free case evaluation today.