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Everything You Need To Know About 2019 Pedestrian Crash Statics

Everything You Need to Know About 2019 Pedestrian Crash Statics

Pedestrian crash statistics reveal that pedestrian injuries and collisions are a severe problem across the nation.

These fatalities have steadily increased over the last decade, and show no sign of slowing down.

Today, we are taking a deep dive into the startling pedestrian statistics that plague our nation’s roads and how to protect yourself from these types of accidents.

2019 Statistics

2019 was a devastating year regarding pedestrian crash statistics. According to Governors Highway Safety Association, there were 6,590 pedestrian deaths (22 coming from Utah), which is the highest toll over the past 30 years. That number increased from 2018, in which there were 6,227 deaths. This is concerning because, over the past ten years, pedestrian deaths have increased by 50 percent. In 2019, pedestrians accounted for 17 percent of all traffic deaths. In 2009, they only accounted for about 12 percent of traffic deaths.


There are many reasons that pedestrian accidents occur, but distractions are the main cause behind these incidents. Distracted drivers and negligent pedestrians both contribute equally to this problem.

As far as the time of day is concerned, it is most common for pedestrian accidents to happen at night and on local roads that are not close to intersections. Dimly lit areas where walkers are not expected to be is another hot spot for these incidents. During the past 10 years, nighttime pedestrian fatalities increased by 67 percent, where daytime fatalities only increased by 16 percent.

Pedestrian Tips

There are three main aspects surrounding pedestrian safety: How to walk safely, taking action against distraction, and letting your actions speak louder than words. Here are some specific ways you can stay safe while walking or biking around town:

  • Walk Safely
    • Remember to look left, right, and left again before crossing a street. While crossing, keep scanning for cars until you are safely on the other side.
    • Pay special attention to cars that are turning or backing up.
    • Make eye contact with drivers before you cross the street, so you can ensure that they are aware of you.
  • Take Action against Distraction –
    • Take headphones off before crossing the street.
    • If you need to make a phone call, stop in a safe area instead of chatting while walking.
    • Be aware of others who might be distracted and speak up if you notice someone who is about to encounter danger.
  • Let Your Actions Speak Louder Than Words –
    • Give pedestrians the right of way when driving.
    • Be particularly alert when driving through school zones and residential areas.
    • Put away all distractions while operating a vehicle.

Flickinger • Boulton • Robson • Weeks is Here for You

Pedestrian crash statistics prove that this problem is on a steady rise. If you find yourself involved in a pedestrian collision, the accident lawyers at Flickinger • Boulton • Robson • Weeks are here to help. We understand the stress of the situation, and we will work tirelessly to maximize the outcome of your case.

We have offices in Provo and South Jordan, Utah. Contact us for a free case evaluation today.

Note:The information in this article has been gathered from publicly available sources. Flickinger Boulton Robson Weeks has not independently verified all details of the reported incident. If you identify any inaccuracies or missing information, please contact us so we can promptly review and update the content as needed. The photo used in this post was not taken at the described scene. We are committed to accuracy and will address any concerns, including content removal requests, with respect and diligence.

Disclaimer: Accessing or using the information provided does not establish an attorney-client relationship with Flickinger Boulton Robson Weeks. For legal guidance tailored to your specific situation, we encourage you to consult a qualified attorney. While we strive to provide accurate and reliable information, we do not guarantee its completeness, accuracy, or applicability to individual circumstances.

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