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Carbon Monoxide Poisoning and Premises Liability Cases

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning and Premises Liability Cases

The lawyers of Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton proudly serve the people of Provo, offering legal assistance to people who have been seriously injured as a result of another person’s negligence. This doesn’t just mean car accidents. We have helped numerous injury victims with premises liability lawsuits for slips, falls, and other injuries. One of the less considered but remarkably dangerous kinds of mishaps that may occur at a premises involves air quality, specifically carbon monoxide poisoning. About Carbon Monoxide Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless and odorless gas that can have adverse effects on the health and wellness of people and animals. Some common sources of carbon monoxide gas include engines, furnaces and water heaters that run on natural gas, kerosene space heaters, open fires, and live coals. The Dangers of Carbon Monoxide When there is carbon monoxide in a person’s system, it attached to the hemoglobin in the red blood cells, which makes it difficult for the blood cells to properly carry oxygen, which is an essential function of the blood cells. When there is too much carbon monoxide in the blood, vital organ will not receive the oxygen they need to function properly. The results may prove fatal. It’s estimated that there are 15,000 carbon monoxide-related hospital visits every year, and that 500 cases of carbon monoxide poisoning prove fatal annually. Taking Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Seriously Carbon monoxide can be quite severe, and could require the mass evacuation of a building. Once when there was a carbon monoxide scare in a Utah dorm some time between 1999 and 2004, the 1200 residents of the dorm had to be evacuated. Of that number, 29 people were hospitalized for headaches and nausea. The sure warning signs are headache, dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath, and chest pain. In some serious cases of carbon monoxide poisoning, a person may faint or fall unconscious. An Obligation By Landlords and Business Owners It’s of the utmost importance that people who own a business or an apartment building keep their customers and visitors safe. This means paying careful attention to carbon monoxide levels and general air quality at a given building/location. If carbon monoxide alarms go off or there are issues with overall air quality, it is imperative that these matters be addressed sooner rather than later. This caution is preferable to putting countless lives in danger. What to Do If You Are a Victim of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning? If you or someone you care about is the victim of carbon monoxide poisoning and it was the result of a negligent property owner, it’s a good idea to meet with a skilled premises liability attorney to learn more about your legal options. A premises liability lawyer will help determine if you have a legitimate case to pursue against a negligent property owner and hold that negligent individual accountable for their failure to maintain a safe environment for guests and inhabitants. We will fight ti secure damages to cover medical bills, lost wages, and other losses sustained as a result of the carbon monoxide accident. Speak with the Lawyers of Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton For more information about your legal rights following an instance of carbon monoxide poisoning, it’s important that you contact our personal injury attorneys today. The lawyers of Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton will help you in your time of legal need.

Wet Floors Mean Watch Out: Slip and Fall Accidents

Wet Floors Mean Watch Out: Slip and Fall Accidents

When there is a wet floor at any kind of business or establishment that accepts visitors/customers, it’s of the utmost importance that the issue be taken care of immediately. When the floor remains wet at a place of business, this can pose a serious slipping hazard to people on the premises. Major injuries can occur from slips and falls due to wet floors, particularly if the floors are near stairs or ledges. People have been known to break bones, tear muscles, and even suffer from head trauma and brain injuries because of these kinds of accidents. That’s why the legal team at Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton takes these matters seriously, helping the injured and their loved ones in the greater Provo area with premises liability lawsuits that hold negligent property owners accountable. Potential Causes of Wet Floors Some potential causes of wet floors may include the following: Broken Items – If the establishment has beverages in containers or other kinds of liquids, a broken container can lead to liquid being all over the floor. This is especially worth noting in supermarkets, convenience stores, and other kinds of shops. Accidental Spills – People may accidentally spill items at a premises, resulting in hazardous conditions. This includes fallen food and beverages at restaurants, spilled drinks at bars and lounges, and so forth. Mopping and Cleaning – Mopping floors is part of regular upkeep and keeping your business looking its cleanest. When people mop an area, the residual liquid left behind can lead to a serious slipping hazard. Moisture from Outdoors – Rain and snow don’t always stay outside. People may bring in that outdoor moisture on their shoes, their umbrellas, and their coats. This is especially important to consider during long stretches of inclement weather. Leaking Pipes – When pipes leak, water can get into places you don’t want. It can do damage in floors, ceilings, and walls, and it can also leave dangerous puddles on the ground that can harm people. How Businesses Can Protect Visitors/Customers Businesses should be attentive to any kind of moisture that’s been tracked onto the premises or any potential hazards on the premises itself. Employees should keep their eyes open with regard to any spills or liquid at the business. If they see any puddles or liquid, they should address this immediately. Placing a “Wet Floor” sign where the liquid stands can prevent a number of serious injuries. When rain or snow poses hazards, your best bet for business and property owners is to lay down absorbent mats at entrances to soak up the majority of the moisture people may bring in. Having umbrella bags available or an umbrella basket is also helpful for preventing serious harm from befalling people. It’s also a good idea for employees to periodically dry mop the premises to remove any potentially harmful liquid from shoes and that may have dripped off of coats. How Our Attorneys Can Help You When businesses fail to do the above or take other reasonable steps to prevent serious bodily harm affecting people at a premises, it’s important to speak with a skilled attorney about your case. We can help you obtain just compensation for serious harm and major injuries, holding negligent parties accountable for their poor choice of actions. Speak with the Lawyers of Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton To learn more about your legal options following a serious slip or fall accident, it’s important that you contact our team of personal injury attorneys today. The legal team at Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton will help you seek justice in your time of legal need.

Auto Accidents Can Cause Major Brain Injuries and Trauma

Auto Accidents Can Cause Major Brain Injuries and Trauma

The legal team of Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton, P.C. has helped countless people in and around Provo during their time of legal need. In the case of serious car accidents that lead to injuries and lasting disability, our attorneys can help obtain just compensation that accounts for lost wages and other changes in your life and livelihood. Brain injuries are typically among the most serious injuries that can arise from auto accident’s. We’d like to explore what these entail and why they can affect people in such a profound way. About Brain Injuries A brain injury refers to physical trauma on the brain typically sustained by an external mechanical force. When the injury occurs, it results in lasting brain dysfunction. Many times brain injuries are sustained as a result of severe trauma to face, head, or body. These are known as traumatic brain injuries (TBIs); this differs from acquired brain injuries (ABIs), which are often linked to health problems and neurological illnesses. Brian injuries may result from closed head injuries or open head injuries. Closed head injuries involve no penetration of the skull, while open head injuries refer to penetration or breach of the skull. Types of Brain Injuries There are different kinds of brain and head injuries that may be experienced. In terms of TBIs, these include the following: Concussions – The most common kind of TBI, a concussion occurs when the brain strikes the skull very abruptly and suddenly. Open head injuries and closed head injuries can cause concussions. Contusions – A contusion is a bruise on the brain or bleeding on the brain. In some cases, the contusion on the brain may need to be removed. Open and closed head injuries can cause contusions. How Common Are Brain Injuries After Auto Accidents? Brain injuries from auto accidents can be quite common, especially at high velocities. The force generated by an auto collision can cause major head trauma and serious blows to the face, head, and body. Even when wearing safety restraints or a helmet, serious brain injuries are still possible. The Effects of Brain Injuries on Overall Wellness A brain injury can have a major impact on your psychological, cognitive, perceptual, and even physical health. Some potential issues associated with brain injuries include: Memory problems Poor attention span Impaired speech Mood disorders Emotional imbalances Changes in sense perception Balance and coordination problems Recurring headaches Seizures Persistent fatigue These issues can have long-term repercussions, affecting your quality of life and overall livelihood for years and years to come. Holding Negligent Parties Accountable If your auto accident and injuries were the result of a negligent person or party, it’s of the utmost importance that the negligent party be held accountable. Medical bills and other expenses can be considerable given the nature of these injuries, and the impact on you and your loved ones should not go ignored. How Our Attorneys Can Help You By seeking the help of a skilled attorney, you will receive expert counsel during a civil case. We will help you receive just compensation for the injuries sustained and its impact on your life and the lives of your family and friends. Rest assured that we will fight diligently for you and provide you with ample information about all of your legal options. Contact Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton, P.C. To learn more about your legal options after a serious auto accident, be sure to contact our team of auto accident lawyers today. The legal team at Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton, P.C. will work with you to ensure you receive the legal representation you deserve.

Looking Out for Your Children: Auto Accidents and Teens

The lawyers of Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton, P.C. have helped countless individuals throughout Provo in their time of legal need. Providing expert counsel, our attorneys have been particularly helpful to people filing lawsuits after serious car accidents. Oftentimes, these cases involve young people behind the wheel, which includes teenagers. Teens and young adults are almost always at a higher risk for serious injury and accidents whenever they are behind the wheel. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 2,163 teenage drivers between the ages of 16 and 19 were killed in 2013. In addition, 243,243 teenage drivers of that age were injured in auto accidents in 2013. To put these numbers in perspective, that means 6 teens die every day as a result of auto accidents. Texting While Driving One of the most serious potential causes of auto accidents among teens is texting while driving. Texting and driving leads to major distractions. When traveling at highway speeds, a person can look away to text and in that timeframe travel the length of a football field without paying attention to the road. Numbers from the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration (NHTSA) suggest that 18 percent of fatal auto accidents in 2012 were the result of texting while driving. Underage Drinking and Driving Many teens are prone to rebellion and experimentation, which means they will likely drink before they are 21 years old. It’s important that teens avoid getting behind the wheel if they do drink. Drunk driving is one of the most dangerous things that a person can do, leading to serious injuries and fatalities. People who are caught drinking and driving underage will face serious penalties for this crime. Taking Unnecessary Risks In addition to drinking and driving, teenagers are also prone to taking unnecessary risks while they are on the road. This includes speeding, weaving, taking sharp turns, racing, and driving recklessly. Their newfound freedom can lead to this kind of acting out, which can have dire consequences. A number of teens are injured every year because of this irresponsible behavior. A Lack of Experience on the Road Sometimes a teen may be following all of the rules of the road, but they are simply not experienced enough to know what to do when a problem occurs. It takes time to learn how to drive well and to drive safely. Teens should take extra care when they are driving in order to avoid serious injuries and accidents while on the road. What Parents Can Do for Teenage Drivers When your children start driving, be sure to stress the importance of safety. Driving is a privilege, and parents should not be afraid to restrict their teenager’s driving privileges if they act irresponsibly or in any way that may endanger others. Stress safety now rather than deal with hardship later. Contact Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton, P.C. For more information about your legal options following a serious motor vehicle collision, be sure to contact our team of auto accident attorneys today. The legal team at Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton, P.C. will help you in your time of legal need.