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Category: Pedestrian Injury

4 Ways You Can Avoid Pedestrian Accidents As a Driver

4 Ways You Can Avoid Pedestrian Accidents as a Driver

As a driver, a pedestrian accident is probably one of your worst nightmares. Hitting a pedestrian can result in catastrophic bills that increase your insurance premium and sometimes have extreme consequences, like incarceration. We want you to be able to avoid a car accident involving a pedestrian at all costs. That’s why we’ve put together this blog with four ways you can prevent pedestrian accidents as a driver. Keep reading to learn more. Learn Pedestrian Behaviors Learning pedestrian behaviors that are common to all pedestrians helps you out, especially if your fear of hitting a pedestrian comes from

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How to Talk to Your Kids About Pedestrian Safety

How to Talk to Your Kids About Pedestrian Safety

Pedestrians have the right of way, but not every driver pays attention or respects that, so it’s essential to teach your kids about pedestrian safety. Did you know that children crossing the street is the second leading cause of unintentional injuries for children ages five to fourteen? Even with crosswalks, school crossing guards, and school safety zones, children still get injured by moving vehicles. Teaching your children about pedestrian safety will decrease the risk of them getting hurt.  How to Talk to Kids Under 10 It’s hard to explain to younger kids how speeds and distance work. That’s

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How Often Are Pedestrians Hit by Vehicles?

How Often Are Pedestrians Hit by Vehicles?

Whether you are walking to the store, home from school, or from your car to work, most people are pedestrians at some point during the day.  Unfortunately, pedestrian deaths and injuries are all too common.  According to the CDC, in 2017, there were 5,977 pedestrian deaths due to vehicle accidents. That equates to one death every 88 minutes. And 137,000 pedestrians went to the emergency room due to a non-fatal pedestrian accident. With this knowledge, it is important to learn the best practices to stay safe while walking. Best Practices for Pedestrian Safety Death or injury from a

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How To Clean Your Refrigerator

What Are The Emotional Reactions To Hitting A Pedestrian?

Being struck by a car as a pedestrian can leave you with damaging psychological and physical effects. If you’ve experienced this situation, you know how agonizing these injuries are, coupled with the emotional trauma that comes with surviving a near-death experience.  Learn more about the strong emotional reactions associated with striking a pedestrian in today’s blog.  The Aftermath of Surviving an Accident Depending on the severity of the pedestrian accident, the emotional impact may be as small as avoiding the road. Unfortunately, in more extreme circumstances, a victim may not want to leave their home because they’re too

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What is a Negligent Pedestrian?

What is a Negligent Pedestrian?

When it comes to pedestrian accidents, you may assume the driver is at fault; however, this assertion isn’t always correct. Many people believe the adage, “pedestrians always have the right of way” without realizing pedestrians can be as negligent as a driver. Learn more about negligence in today’s blog.  Understanding Negligence Negligence is a legal theory that a plaintiff must prove before they can hold a defendant legally responsible for the harm they suffered. Every person must exercise a duty of care under a given set of circumstances. For instance, both drivers and pedestrians must follow traffic laws

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Do Pedestrians Always Have the Right-of-Way

Do Pedestrians Always Have the Right-of-Way?

When you’re taking a relaxing stroll, you may not be worried about the risks distracted, speeding, or negligent drivers pose. As someone who’s on the road, either as a driver or pedestrian, it’s your duty to follow road rules and to yield the right-of-way at intersections and crosswalks. Continue reading to find out if pedestrians always have the right-of-way. Safety is a Shared Responsibility Most people are surprised to learn this, but pedestrians don’t always have the right-of-way. Drivers and pedestrians alike share the responsibility of keeping themselves and others safe on the road. The Federal Highway Administration

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What Are the Legal Consequences of Hitting a Pedestrian

What Are the Legal Consequences of Hitting a Pedestrian?

Involved in a pedestrian-auto accident? Contact us today! Getting behind the wheel and driving a vehicle is a great responsibility. It requires full attention and focus on avoiding hitting other vehicles, property, and pedestrians. According to the Utah Injury Prevention Agency, more than 800 Utahns are involved in an auto-pedestrian accident and are either injured or killed each year.  Continue reading to learn what to expect and potential legal consequences of hitting a pedestrian. The Legal Consequences of Hitting a Pedestrian Hitting a pedestrian with a vehicle inevitably leads to consequences. These repercussions can be minor or significant

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What If I Hit A Jaywalker

What If I Hit A Jaywalker?

When we hear of car accidents involving pedestrians, we usually assume it’s the driver’s fault because of how big and powerful vehicles are. However, pedestrians can also be held liable for accidents, especially if they were jaywalking. Discover more about the consequences of striking a jaywalker. Determining Fault Drivers, motorcyclists, pedestrians, bicyclists, and anyone else who shares the road must abide by its rules. When it comes to pedestrians, it’s illegal for them to jaywalk or wander in areas where foot traffic is unlawful, such as certain parts of a highway. If they break these laws and it

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Proving Fault in a Pedestrian Accident

Proving Fault in a Pedestrian Accident

When it comes to pedestrian accidents, most people assume that pedestrians are automatically eligible for compensation just because they are on foot. It is also a misconception that pedestrians don’t have to prove liability. However, this could not be further from the truth. When an accident between an automobile and a pedestrian occurs, several questions arise, such as is the driver 100% at fault, or only partially at fault?  It’s essential to consider the following factors that may have caused the pedestrian accident, such as over speeding, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, running a red

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Pedestrian and Bike Accidents: Who’s at Fault?

Pedestrian and Bike Accidents: Who’s at Fault?

One of the most overlooked types of accidents happens between pedestrians and bicyclists. People have a hard time believing that pedestrians or bicyclists can cause accidents, but they also share a road with drivers; everyone on public roads has a responsibility to be attentive. Any party could be negligent, it all depends on who is at fault in the event of an accident. To avoid an accident while you are on foot or riding your bike, it’s wise to be aware of Utah’s pedestrian and bicyclist laws.  Pedestrian Laws A pedestrian is defined as someone who is walking

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UTA Accident Prompts Look into Pedestrian Safety

A recent accident with a TRAX train has prompted the Utah Transit Authority (UTA) to take a closer look at pedestrian safety and at what threats non-motorists face on the state’s roadways and how they can stay safe. This June, teenager Shariah Casper was killed while walking across a TRAX road crossing. She waited for the eastbound train to pass, but stepped out in front of the westbound train, which Shariah could not see due to a 12-foot sound barrier wall. Although gates and lights were working at the intersection, neither was in place where Shariah was crossing. This tragic

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