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Day: December 4, 2019

The 5 Biggest Reasons For Pedestrian Accidents

The Five Biggest Reasons for Pedestrian Accidents

Traveling by foot is the healthier option, but it’s not always the safer option. Pedestrians are involved in 13 percent of vehicle-related fatalities, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Drivers are legally responsible for controlling their vehicles while on the road, yet the majority of pedestrian accidents are caused by a pedestrian’s actions (or inaction). Age plays a factor in pedestrian accidents, as people who are over the age of sixty-five and children who are under the age of fifteen make up 34 percent of pedestrian injuries and 27 percent of pedestrian fatalities.  The majority of

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Signs That Indicates You Might Be Too Tired To Drive.

Signs You’re Too Tired To Drive

Driving while you’re tired is dangerous for you and everyone else on the road. People know intoxicated driving is illegal and socially unacceptable, but drowsy driving remains a gray area. Most drivers underestimate the dangers of drowsy driving and overstate their ability to drive when they’re sleepy. Drowsy driving is responsible for over 100,000 car accidents each year, 40,000 of which result in severe injuries, according to UCLA’s Sleep Disorder Center. The actual figure is probably higher since drowsiness is self-reported. One out of every six fatal car accidents is caused by tired driving.  Drowsy driving is as

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