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Cerebral Palsy Lawsuits: Damages for Birth Injuries

The lawyers of Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton want to help the parents of Provo seek justice. When injuries affect your child, they affect the entire family, which is why our lawyers take great care in handling any cases that involve babies, toddlers, or young children who are injured or harmed in any way. Perhaps the most serious kinds of cases involve injuries sustained at birth. Birth injury lawsuits often feel more urgent since these kinds of incidents have long-term and even lifelong repercussions. Cerebral palsy, for instance, can lead to a great deal of difficulties. In many cases, these kinds of birth injuries are avoidable. About Cerebral Palsy Cerebral palsy refers to problems with movement, posture, or muscle tone and development. These problems are linked to issues with the brain as a baby is developing or during the childbirth process. Cerebral palsy may be present for some time, but it may not be noticeable until later in infancy or early childhood. The Causes of Cerebral Palsy As noted above, the primary cause of cerebral palsy is issues with brain development. These causes may be linked to any of the following: Infections during pregnancy Infant infections outside of womb Fetal stroke (disruption of blood supply to brain) Asphyxia (disruption of oxygen during labor) Brain and head injuries The risks of cerebral palsy may be increased if the mother suffers from certain medical conditions, such as syphilis, chickenpox, German measles, and other kinds of bacterial or viral infections. Similarly, premature childbirth, low birth weight, and breech births increase the risk of cerebral palsy as well as other problems. Birth Injuries May Be the Result of Medical Negligence There are many different potential causes of cerebral palsy, as you can see above. A doctor or OB/GYN who is to attentive during a woman’s pregnancy or during the childbirth process can potentially cause a child to suffer from cerebral palsy. In these cases, a doctor’s actions may result in conditions that make cerebral palsy more likely. Similarly, the failure to address risk factors for cerebral palsy and other birth injuries needs to be taken seriously. The Challenges Faced By Children with Cerebral Palsy Children with cerebral palsy will face a number of challenges growing up. The condition can lead to a number of physical difficulties, such as stiff muscles, spasticity, poor muscle coordination, impaired motor skills, speech impediments, and difficulty walking. Some people with cerebral palsy also face issues with seizures, mental capacity, mental health issues, and issues with vision and hearing. Not only will these burdens be a hindrance to future growth and development, it can be a source of self-consciousness. Parents will sometimes need to seek the help of various medical professionals and therapists to address these matters in their children. The challenges will be lifelong. Do I Have a Birth Injury or Medical Malpractice Case? If you or your child’s pediatrician notice any signs of developmental problems or other issues, it’s important to speak with a lawyer about these circumstances. Given the many difficulties ahead, we can help hold the doctor or medical facility accountable if they were negligent and caused your child to suffer from cerebral palsy. Contact Our Team of Attorneys For more information about you legal rights following a serious birth injury, it’s of the utmost importance that you contact our team of medical malpractice lawyers today. The attorneys of Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton will stand with you every step of the way.