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How Can I Report Elder Abuse?

How Can I Report Elder Abuse

Discovering that your loved one has been mistreated is devastating, but understanding how to report elder abuse can help secure their safety. Unfortunately, elders are not always able to speak out about their abuse, so it is essential for those who love them to step in when they suspect a problem. Knowing who to contact and the subsequent steps to take just might help you save their life. Who Should Report Elder Abuse? In most states, doctors are mandated to report any suspected abuse. If they fail to do so, they could be held liable for any damages that occur. Aside from doctors, anyone who suspects abuse should report it. Doctors and other workers may miss it, so any other caring individual needs to step in and help when necessary. Whom Do I Call if I Suspect Abuse? If you suspect that an elder is being abused, it might be confusing to know what steps to take. First, if the resident is in life-threatening danger, do not hesitate and call 911 immediately. If your loved one is not in immediate danger, the Nursing Home Abuse Center suggests three great resources for reporting abuse: Local law enforcement authorities Local adult protective services (APL). Utah’s APL services can be found here. A local long-term care ombudsman. Ombudsmen are trained and empowered to help resolve elder care issues. Find a local ombudsman in Utah here. What Should I Expect When I Call to Report Elder Abuse? When you make a call to report elder abuse, make sure that you have access to the resident’s personal information such as their name, address, and phone number. After that, they will ask for the details concerning why you suspect abuse. Here are some examples of questions you might be asked: Are there any known medical problems including confusion or memory loss? What kind of family or social support is there? Have you seen or heard incidents of yelling, hitting, or other abusive behavior? Before you make your report, make sure you are prepared to answer these questions, so the proper authorities can act as quickly as possible. What Happens After I Report Elder Abuse? After your concerns have been reported to the proper authorities, an investigation will be conducted to substantiate the claims that were made. Interviews will be led and evidence will be gathered. Once the investigation is over, the proper actions will be performed to ensure that the abuse will cease. You can also request to have the elder removed from the facility altogether. Once they are removed and the situation has been handled, their healing process can begin. If Your Loved One Has Suffered Elder Abuse, Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton Can Help Once you have made the brave decision to report elder abuse, Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton can help you fight for the care your loved one deserves. We understand how critical it is to hold negligent nursing homes accountable for any degree of abuse or neglect their staff has inflicted upon their residents. Our offices are located throughout Utah in Orem, Provo, Saratoga Springs, and West Jordan. Reach out to get in contact with our team today.

What is Elder Abuse?

Every year, thousands of older people experience elder abuse, which can be physical or emotional. Most of these victims are frail and vulnerable, so they can’t protect themselves. Sadly, the abusers are often family members, friends, and trusted individuals in positions of authority. Continue reading to find out more about this type of abuse. Types of Elder Abuse The Administration for Community Living (ACL) identifies the following behaviors as abuse: Physical abuse: Inflicting physical injuries on a senior by bruising, slapping, or restraining them. Emotional abuse: Inflicting emotional pain or distress on an elderly person by intimidating, humiliating, or threatening them. Sexual abuse: Non-consensual sexual contact Financial abuse: Illegally taking a senior’s funds, property, or assets for your benefit. Abandonment: Deserting a vulnerable senior when you owe them a duty of care or assume custody over them. Neglect: Failure to provide a senior with food, shelter, health care, or protection if you’re responsible. Learn about the warning signs below. Red Flags to Watch out For Bruises, pressure marks, broken bones, burns, and abrasions may indicate physical abuse. Sudden change in alertness, unusual depression, and withdrawal from regular activities may indicate emotional abuse. Bruises around the genital area may indicate sexual abuse. Threats, belittling, and other misuses of power by a spouse can indicate verbal and emotional abuse. Sudden changes in financial status may indicate financial exploitation. Unattended medical needs, bedsores, poor hygiene, and excessive weight loss may indicate neglect. Tense or strained relationships and constant arguments between an elderly person and their caregiver may indicate abuse. How Can I Intervene? If you suspect your parent or grandparent is being abused, remain alert because many people suffer in silence. Tell at least one person, such as a friend, doctor, or family member you trust. Furthermore, if you witness an elderly person being abused or neglected, don’t hesitate to escalate the situation to the authorities. Every senior abuse report is a snapshot of a significant problem. Unfortunately, many seniors are too afraid to report abuse. Some of them fear retaliation from their abuser; others prefer dealing with an abusive caretaker than not having one. Keep the following in mind: Don’t confront the abuser: This can endanger the elderly person. The only time you should confront an abuser is if the victim permits you. Make sure the elderly person can immediately move to a safer care center. Even if the elderly person rejects your help, continue checking in with them: Ask other loved ones to express their feelings of concern for the elderly person. A neutral party, such as a geriatric care manager, might have a better chance of consoling them. Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton Can Help Elder abuse can be debilitating, traumatizing, and lonely. If you or a loved one is experiencing abuse, a nursing home abuse lawyer from Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton can help them receive damages for their suffering. Our attorneys fight for victims and their families to receive proper compensation, respect, and kindness. We service Utah County and West Jordan. Schedule your free case evaluation today.