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Tag: Pedestrian Safety

Pedestrian Safety: Tips on How to Stay Safe at Night

Pedestrian Safety: Tips on How to Stay Safe at Night

Whether you’re out to experience the nightlife or you simply enjoy an evening stroll, it’s essential to understand the rules of pedestrian safety. Staying safe as a pedestrian in the daytime is one thing, but walking on sidewalks and crossing streets at night presents a different set of challenges.  According to the National Traffic Highway Safety Administration, most pedestrian deaths occur at night between 6 PM and 12 AM. Here’s a look at some of the most effective ways to protect yourself while walking outdoors in the dark. Basic Nighttime Pedestrian Safety Traffic is an obvious risk of

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How to Talk to Your Kids About Pedestrian Safety

How to Talk to Your Kids About Pedestrian Safety

Pedestrians have the right of way, but not every driver pays attention or respects that, so it’s essential to teach your kids about pedestrian safety. Did you know that children crossing the street is the second leading cause of unintentional injuries for children ages five to fourteen? Even with crosswalks, school crossing guards, and school safety zones, children still get injured by moving vehicles. Teaching your children about pedestrian safety will decrease the risk of them getting hurt.  How to Talk to Kids Under 10 It’s hard to explain to younger kids how speeds and distance work. That’s

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