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Will My Car Accident Result in Arthritis?

Will My Car Accident Result in Arthritis?

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A car accident can cause injuries that might trigger arthritis or exacerbate a preexisting condition, and this is not something you should take lightly.

Arthritis is often overlooked after a car crash because it can take some time for symptoms to develop. If you have experienced an injury after an accident, you should speak with your doctor about the possibility of developing arthritis. Continue reading to learn more about this joint disease.

Why Would a Car Accident Cause Arthritis?

Traumatic events, such as a car accident, are likely to leave victims with bodily injuries such as headaches, whiplash, back pain, and more. These injuries can wreak havoc on certain parts of the body and lead to deterioration of bone and cartilage. For this reason, it is not uncommon for an accident to trigger arthritis.

What Is Arthritis?

According to WebMD, arthritis is a broad term that covers over 100 different joint diseases. In general, it refers to any degree of joint inflammation. Arthritis is a very normal reaction to injury and can include swelling, pain, and stiffness.

After a car accident, you might start to feel these symptoms. Some degree of discomfort is natural and expected, but inflammation that lasts for a long time can lead to tissue damage. If you are experiencing any degree of bodily pain after your accident, seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Types of Arthritis

There are many different forms of arthritis that a person might develop following a car crash. The two most common types include post-traumatic osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Post-traumatic osteoarthritis – Osteoarthrosis is the most common type of arthritis, affecting over 27 million adults in the United States. Post-traumatic osteoarthritis encompasses nearly 12 percent of these cases. This condition refers to cartilage damage that develops following a joint injury. Any amount of joint pain, swelling, or stiffness can be a sign of post-traumatic osteoarthritis.

Rheumatoid arthritis – Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease usually associated with aging but can be aggravated by car accident trauma. If you already had an ongoing inflammatory disorder before a crash, any sustained injuries can exacerbate RA and cause it to spread to other joints.

How to Prove That a Car Accident Caused or Worsened Your Arthritis

If you suspect that your arthritis was caused or aggravated by a car accident, it is critical to seek medical attention. In addition to treatment, your doctor will be able to provide essential documentation to help prove your case. From there, contact a personal injury lawyer to compile your case and help you navigate the process. They will work closely with your insurance provider, healthcare professionals, and other key players to reach the settlement you deserve.

Get Help After a Car Accident with Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton

If you have been a victim of a car accident and need help pursuing a case, you want the lawyers of Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton on your side. Our team has over 25 years of experience assisting Utah citizens to recover financially after a car accident occurs. We’ll review your case, give you exceptional legal advice, and help you fight for the compensation you deserve.

We have offices in Provo, Orem, Saratoga Springs, and West Jordan, Utah. Contact us today for a free case evaluation.