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Denied Car Insurance Claims: What You Can Do

Denied Car Insurance Claims: What You Can Do

After an auto accident has occurred, you can file an insurance claim in order to receive some coverage for vehicle damage and other property that has been harmed. In the case of injury accidents, your auto insurance may also help cover medical expenses associated with the crash. Keep in mind that the insurance money will not be able to cover everything. The insurance money is a major help, however, and it beats paying for everything out of your own pocket. Ideally, filing auto accident insurance claims should go smoothly, but there are times when insurance companies deny claims or reduce compensation. The Provo, UT insurance bad faith lawyers of Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton can help in these situations. Information Needed While Filing a Claim After you’ve been in an accident, be sure to exchange accident information with the other motorist or motorists involved. This includes license plate numbers, driver’s license information, makes and models of vehicles, and contact information. If there are any witnesses of the accident, be sure to take down their contact information as well. Thanks to the ubiquity of smartphones, you can extensively document the accident’s aftermath. Take photos, video, and any other information that may be pertinent to your accident claim. Denial of an Auto Insurance Claim Even if you have a legitimate insurance claim following an accident and submitted all the information required, your insurance company may deny your claim. If your insurer does not deny your claim outright, you may notice that they have shaved the amount of coverage they said they would provide. In both such cases, it’s important to appeal the claim to make sure you receive all of the benefits to which you are entitled. Reasons for a Denied Insurance Claim There are many reasons why an insurance claim may be denied. Some common reasons include: Your coverage was not sufficient given the nature of the accident The insurance policy does not cover the type of accident you were involved in You were drunk or under the influence at the time of the collision The auto accident was not reported in time Your name is not covered under the insurance policy The damage exceeds the specified limits of coverage The insurance company is attempting to save money The last point if worth highlighting. Even legitimate insurance claims may be denied by an insurance company in an attempt to save money. That is the danger of business interests and a company’s bottom line getting in the way of common decency and helping others. Our Lawyers Can Help with Denied Claims If you feel that the insurance company’s reasons for denying your claim are unjust, our team of attorneys can help with the dispute and appeal process. We will go over the nature of the accident, note the reasons cited for the denied claim, and work to ensure a successful appeal. Additionally, we can identify acts of bad faith on the part of the insurance company and hold them accountable for the way they mistreat or mislead the people they are supposed to help. This process can be complicated, so working with legal professionals familiar with these matters can help the process go faster while offering your and your loved ones some much needed peace of mind. Learn More About Your Legal Options For more information about your legal rights and options following a denied auto insurance claim, we encourage you to contact our team of injury, accident, and insurance attorneys. The team at Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton is here to help you.

Legal Guidance For Painful Workplace Burn Injuries

Legal Guidance For Painful Workplace Burn Injuries

Many workplace burn injuries, resulting from electrocution or other hazards, require serious medical treatment that can only be provided by a physician. The cost of care needed for a burn injury treatment plan can quickly escalate, overwhelming the victim with financial burden. If you have suffered from workplace burn injuries, let an attorney who focuses on personal and workplace injuries help you pursue full compensation. Provo, UT, attorneys at Flickinger, Sutterfield, and Boulton fight for victims’ rights. We have experience helping victims recover from the physical, emotional, and financial damage done after an accident. Common Questions about Workplace Burn Injuries Burns range from mild to severe, depending on how many layers of tissue are damaged. For many at-home burns from cooking or health and beauty appliances, a cold ice pack or layer of aloe vera gel or other ointment can do the trick. But for more serious burns, especially those that happen while at work, it is beneficial to know what to do: What do I do immediately after a burn on the job? The first step to take after being hurt at work is to secure the area and make sure no further hazards are present. Report the burn to a supervisor right away, and seek immediate medical care. Who has to pay the medical bills for a workplace burn injury? Businesses and companies that fail to abide by safety rules and regulations are responsible for the costs of care when workers are hurt on the jobsite. This may come in the form of a civil suit, or by bringing a workers compensation claim. What type of evidence is necessary to prove a workplace burn injury? Pictures of the accident scene, medical notes and diagnosis, treatment plans, eyewitness testimony, and company safety logs are all good pieces of evidence for workplace burns. The more severe the burn, the more likely you are to have a larger volume of evidence about how the accident happened, how it could have been prevented, and the extent of medical care and treatment needed. How is my claim evaluated for financial recovery? Every case is different, with a different set of damages. Typically, victims are allowed to seek reimbursement for time off work, medical expenses, loss of earning capacity, and other costs. Evaluation of your claim for an appropriate amount of compensation can depend on the type of case you file, with a civil action having a different set of guidelines than those found in a workers’ compensation setting. How to Recover from a Workplace Burn Injury If you have been in an accident at work and been burned, you should take steps to hold your employer responsible. Handing your case over to an experienced personal injury and workers’ compensation attorney allows you to focus on recovery, while your case is prosecuted. Our approach is one on one with you, as we aggressively pursue the full amount of compensation you need to make a full recovery. You are entitled to repayment of any lost wages, medical expenses, the cost of future medical needs or therapy, pain and suffering, and all out-of-pocket expenses associated with the accident. Help with a Workplace Burn Injury If you have been burned at work, we can help you demand fair reimbursement. Call us to learn more or contact us online.

Electrical Accident Medical Malpractice: Holding Doctors Accountable

Electrical Accident Medical Malpractice: Holding Doctors Accountable

Electrical injuries must always be taken seriously, whether they’re sustained at home, at a construction site, in an office, or any other kind of premises. The extent of the harm done by electrocution goes beyond the initial pain of shock. When medical professionals encounter someone who has been electrocuted, proper medical attention must be given to address immediate health needs as well as the long-term issues a person may face. The medical malpractice lawyers at our Provo, UT law firm would like to consider the nature of electrical injuries and how they affect the health of accident victims. We’ll also note the obligations that doctors have to these injury victims, and what is reasonable to expect from medical professionals who are dealing with injuries caused by electricity. Taking Electrical Burns Seriously Electrical burns are much different than burns from thermal burns or chemical burns. The electricity tends to affect the soft tissues as it passes through the body rather than just the skin, leading to trauma beneath the surface of the skin. It’s estimated that 1,000 deaths a year are related to electrical burns. Failure to Diagnose Electrical Burns Electrical burns can be hard to diagnose given that the injuries reside beneath the skin. Yet difficulty is no excuse for a doctor’s failure to diagnose such an issue. Doctors should use whatever diagnostic technology is at their exposure to thoroughly examine patients who have been severely electrocuted. It is better to be safe and thorough given the circumstances involved. Electrical Injuries to the Heart and Other Organs As electricity passes through the body, it can wind up harming a person’s internal organs. There’s an especially big concern for the health of the heart and a person’s brain. Other organs may be affected as well, which can have deadly consequences in the months following the electrocution without proper medical attention. Issues with Monitoring the Patient’s Heart Health Given that the electricity that surged through a person’s body can have an negative impact on the health of the heart, brain, and other body parts, doctors must carefully examine these organs for damage following an electrical injury. Furthermore, patients should be monitored for several months after the electrocution just to make sure that there are no further signs of injury or poor health. This is especially true of people who have a pacemaker or are likely to suffer from cardiovascular problems. The Impact of Nerve Injuries Nerve damage is another problem to consider following an electrical injury of any kind. The electricity that runs through the body can cause serious harm to the nerves, leading to a loss of sensation in the body, problems with limb or grip strength, as well as problems moving hands and fingers. Problems with Administering Proper Treatment When issues with the nerves arise, doctors must note potential damage and address these matters as soon as possible. With proper diagnosis and treatment, patients can experience restored movement and use of injured parts of the body. These matters should not be taken lightly. Contact Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton For more information about your legal rights and options following an electrocution or electoral accident, be sure to contact our team of medical malpractice lawyers. The attorneys of Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton are on your side every step of the way.

Premises Liability and Electrocution Accidents: Your Legal Rights

Premises Liability and Electrocution Accidents: Your Legal Rights

Whenever we’re out and about going through our day, we often do not consider the risk of electrocution. That’s because many places we frequent are safe and the risk rarely enters our mind. However, when an electrical injury does occur, the consequences can be catastrophic. The premises liability lawyers at our Provo, UT law firm would like to cover some of the basics associated with electrical injuries and electrocution at business establishments. This will help you understand thew severity of these kinds of incidents. Statistics on Electrocution Accidents According to some estimates, an average of 30,000 Americans experience a non-fatal electrocution injury every year. The severity of these injuries varies greatly, from minor harm to accidents with long-term repercussions. As far as fatalities go, it’s been estimated that electrocutions account for 1 percent of accidental deaths each year. The electrocution numbers are different when considering construction and industrial workers rather than the civilian population, but this gives you a good idea why these kinds of injuries need to be taken seriously. Potential Electrocution Hazards There are a number of potential electrocution hazards that may be present at a given building or business. These include the following: Exposed Wires – Exposed wires at any sort of establishment are a major electrocution hazard. That’s particularly true when these wires are in high-traffic areas of a building. Faulty Electrical Outlets – Poor installation or placement of electrical outlets may increase the risk of electrocution at a given place of business. Damaged Extension Cords – Old extension cords may be an electrocution hazard waiting to happen. If cords are frayed or in poor condition, they should be replaced in order to prevent injury. Bad Wiring in Pools and Hot Tubs – Lights are necessary in pools and hot tubs, but faulty wiring of these lights can turn these leisurely locations deadly. Poor grounding can also play a role in these kinds of horrible accidents. Burn Injury from Electrical Accidents Severe electrocutions can result in severe burn injuries that affect the skin as well as tissues below the skin. Given how serious these burns can be and how difficult they are to diagnose, it’s estimated that around 1,000 people die each year because of electrical burn injuries. Neurological Damage from Electrocution Since electrical injuries affect the soft tissues of the body, it should come as little surprise that electrocution can lead to serious harm to the nerves. You may lose sensation or proper function of various body parts as well as internal organs. Damage to the Heart and Internal Organs On the note of organ damage, there is a serious risk of heart failure and heart problems following a major electrocution injury. The biggest danger is ventricular fibrillation, in which the heart’s electrical activity is thrown off and the ventricles stop working. Ventricular fibrillation is often fatal. Property Owners Must Keep People Safe Given all of the dangers that electricity poses to people, it’s the duty of business and property owners to keep people safe. Wiring must be kept away from the public, and hazards must be dealt with by professionals. Should you suffer from a preventable electrocution accident at a property, our attorneys will be here to help. Learn More About Electrocution Injuries For more information about your legal rights and options following an electrocution injury, be sure to contact Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton. Our premises liability lawyers will fight diligently for you and your loved ones in your time of legal need.