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Month: December 2021

How Pedestrians Can Stay Safe

How Pedestrians Can Stay Safe

Distractions are a significant threat to everyone on the road, so you must learn how pedestrians can stay safe despite these regular interruptions. Most people are pedestrians at some point during the day, whether you are walking in and out of a store, heading home from school, or strolling into work. Unfortunately, pedestrian deaths and injuries are all too common. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that there were 6,205 pedestrians killed in traffic crashes in 2019 alone. With this knowledge, it’s imperative to learn the best practices to stay safe when walking. Walking Safety Tips

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5 Common Myths About Truck Accidents

5 Common Myths About Truck Accidents

Victims of truck accidents need accurate information to protect their legal rights, but it can be challenging to decipher contradicting material online. Truck accidents are unpredictable and happen more often than people realize. In 2019, large trucks accounted for 10% of all vehicles involved in fatal crashes. If you are the victim of a truck accident, you need to be able to depend on accurate and reliable information; unfortunately, there are many myths out there that can be detrimental to your case. Stay tuned as we debunk five of the most common truck accident myths.      

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The Conditions That Lead To Auto Accidents and Drowsy Driving

The Conditions That Lead To Auto Accidents and Drowsy Driving

Drowsy driving is hazardous as the crash rate for drivers who sleep five or six hours is twice that of drivers who sleep seven hours or more.  With each hour of sleep lost, the likelihood of an auto accident increases. Similar to texting and driving or drinking and driving, driving after getting little-to-no sleep not only puts you at risk but puts others around you at risk too. If you’re tired, do not get behind the wheel.  An Overview of Drowsy Driving According to the Sleep Foundation and survey data from the CDC, one in every 25 adults

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Here's Why Every Parent Should Talk to Their Teen About Safe Driving

Here’s Why Every Parent Should Talk to Their Teen About Safe Driving

Safe driving practices are crucial for drivers of all ages, but it’s vital that teens know how to protect themselves behind the wheel. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that car accidents are the leading cause of death for U.S. teens. Their immaturity and lack of driving experience are two main factors leading to this high crash rate. If you have a new driver in your home, you must teach them how to stay safe while on the road. Read on for tips on talking with your teen about the importance of safe driving. The

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Advice on Recovering From a Truck Accident

Advice on Recovering From a Truck Accident

Recovering from a serious truck accident takes time and care, but there are actions you can take that will put you on the right track to healing. The physical and emotional aftermath of an auto wreck can be overwhelming. The car crash trauma can cause ongoing pain and make it challenging to complete simple daily tasks. While it’s important to be patient with the healing process, there are specific steps you should take to make sure that you’re headed in the right direction. Continue reading to learn more. Seek Immediate Medical Attention Recovering from a truck accident is

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Information on the Different Types of Burn Injuries

Burn injuries can result in a lifetime of physical and emotional pain, so it’s crucial to know how to proceed after this type of accident. Burns are catastrophic injuries that can completely alter the course of someone’s life. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, burns and fires are the fifth most common cause of accidental death in children and adults each year. This accounts for an estimated 3,500 adult and child deaths per year. Burns are serious injuries that should not be overlooked, whether you were wounded in a house fire, work accident, construction incident, explosion, or car accident.

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Why You Should Avoid Driving on Black Ice

Why You Should Avoid Driving on Black Ice

Driving on black ice is one of the most dangerous risk factors during winter, so it’s critical to know how to keep yourself safe. Each year, 24 percent of weather-related vehicle crashes occur on snowy, slushy, or icy pavement, and over 1,300 people are killed in these types of accidents. Black ice accounts for a large portion of these daunting statistics. Since black ice can be deadly, it’s essential to know what it is and how to react if you have an encounter. How Does Black Ice Form? Although it’s called “black ice,” this road hazard is just

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How Often Do Nursing Home Residents Get Offered a Meal?

Food contributes to the quality of life for nursing home residents, and when it comes to meal planning, certain practices are better than others. When deciding on a nursing home for your loved one, food is an essential factor that you should consider. You need to know your loved one’s dietary needs and if the facility can meet them. Let’s take a closer look at how meals typically work in a nursing home so that we may better equip you with making this important decision. Frequency of Meals The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has established

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