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Dog Bite Injuries: Who Is Liable?

Dog Bite Injuries: Who Is Liable?

If you’ve suffered from a dog bite recently, don’t minimize your pain. Dog bites are responsible for the hospitalization of roughly 10,000 Americans each year, according to the canine education organization Dogs Bite. Most victims of dog bites don’t want to cause a scene and are likely to dismiss the bite as innocuous, but this is not a wise choice. After a dog bite, victims are at severe risk of infection. The worst-case scenario for a dog bite is death.  Dog owners have a legal responsibility to prevent their pets from injuring others or damaging property. Owners are responsible for reimbursing dog bite victims for their medical expenses, time lost from work, and their pain and suffering.  When a Dog Hurts You In the event that you are injured by a dog, be sure to take note of the owner’s name and phone number, and don’t forget to ask them if they are covered by liability insurance. Ask witnesses for their names and numbers as well so that they can help you back up your claims if the dog owner changes the story. Take pictures of the dog, your immediate visible injuries, and anything in the vicinity that will support your story, such as an open gate that the dog used to run out of the house. Seek medical assistance immediately if the dog bite was severe. Keep records of your doctor and hospital visits as well as copies of your bills. Most importantly, report the incident to animal control authorities. Many cities and states require that the dog be quarantined after it injures someone to find out if it’s rabid. Check records at the animal control department to see if this dog has attacked other people in the past. This will exponentially help you win in court if the case goes that far.  When Dog Owners are Liable A dog owner will be held liable in a civil lawsuit if the victim can prove that the dog owner acted carelessly. Dog owners are found negligent in instances where they ignored local leash laws, or in cases where they left a door open and their dog ran out and bit someone. There’s also the possibility that a dog statute will apply. Several states have strict liability dog bite laws in place that make the owner financially responsible for dog bites, regardless of the dog’s history; Utah is one of these states. Another instance in which the dog owner can be found negligent in court is if the victim can prove that the owner was aware that their dog is capable of extreme injuries. In states without specific dog-related laws, they have one-bite rules in place that hold the dog owner responsible for injuries. If you, your child, or a loved one was bitten by a dog, you may be entitled to compensation—even if the physical injuries aren’t severe. The emotional trauma that comes with a dog bite is worthy of a monetary award, especially when it comes to children. Our experienced attorneys at Flickinger, Sutterfield, & Boulton will hold irresponsible dog owners accountable. Schedule your free consultation with us today.   

Recovering Damages in Dog Bite Cases

Dog Bite Statistics

Most people associate a personal injury with a car accident, but there are other ways a person can get hurt and require medical attention. One of the most common types of injuries that is often overlooked is a dog bite. Dog bite cases can present certain legal obstacles, but these obstacles can also be overcome by a competent dog bite attorney. For help recovering damages in dog bite cases in Provo, UT, contact Flickinger, Sutterfield, and Boulton. Our approach is one that takes into account the unique aspects of accidents involving animals, and we work with you to get the results you deserve. Types of Damages Available in Dog Bite Cases Damages in personal injury cases revolve around the injury itself, and what is needed to fully recover from the injury. Typical damages include medical bills and the cost to repair or replace a vehicle. Other damages available in dog bite cases can include: Medical costs, including doctor visits and prescription medicine expenses, as well as the cost of any surgery required. Lost income, if you had to take time off work to receive treatment or undergo a surgical procedure. Long term care and rehabilitation expenses. Loss of future earnings if you are unable to return to work in the same or a similar position. Depending on the circumstances, it might also be possible to make a claim for, and receive, damages for emotional distress or an award of punitive damages. These types of damages are more difficult to calculate, and require an effective presentation of evidence to prove an amount. Who Is Responsible in a Dog Bite Case? As with any personal injury case, the party responsible for the injury is liable for payment of damages. In a dog bite case, this liability falls on the owner of the dog. An owner may have to pay a victim out of pocket, but usually homeowners’ insurance covers the cost in dog bite cases. Many homeowners’ insurance policies provide coverage for dog bites, and it is worth taking a look to see if there is insurance available in your case. There are also other types of insurance that might extend coverage to a dog bite, such as auto insurance or a special provision in another policy held by the owner of the dog. To obtain maximum recovery, every avenue of recovery must be explored. Dog bite attorneys with experience in these extraordinary types of cases can help, and will know how to draft your demand in a way that gets a satisfactory response. Where to Turn for Assistance with a Dog Bite Case If you have suffered an attack by a dog, the first step is to seek immediate medical attention for your injuries. It is important to have an examination performed to prevent infection and treat you for the injuries you have suffered. Thereafter you are entitled to reimbursement for your damages, and we can help. Call us to learn more. Contact us online or call our office at (801) 370-0505.