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Tag: Dog Bite Injury

Dog Bite Injuries: Who Is Liable?

Dog Bite Injuries: Who Is Liable?

If you’ve suffered from a dog bite recently, don’t minimize your pain. Dog bites are responsible for the hospitalization of roughly 10,000 Americans each year, according to the canine education organization Dogs Bite. Most victims of dog bites don’t want to cause a scene and are likely to dismiss the bite as innocuous, but this is not a wise choice. After a dog bite, victims are at severe risk of infection. The worst-case scenario for a dog bite is death.  Dog owners have a legal responsibility to prevent their pets from injuring others or damaging property. Owners are

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Dog Bite Statistics

Recovering Damages in Dog Bite Cases

Most people associate a personal injury with a car accident, but there are other ways a person can get hurt and require medical attention. One of the most common types of injuries that is often overlooked is a dog bite. Dog bite cases can present certain legal obstacles, but these obstacles can also be overcome by a competent dog bite attorney. For help recovering damages in dog bite cases in Provo, UT, contact Flickinger • Boulton • Robson • Weeks. Our approach is one that takes into account the unique aspects of accidents involving animals, and we work with you

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