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Locations Where Pedestrians Get Hit the Most

Pedestrians get hit most in urban cities. Their injuries and fatalities are but one aspect of a bigger set of problems related to road safety. Although walking is great for our health, it can also result in more tragic pedestrian accidents. Continue reading to learn where these accidents are most likely to occur. Which Part of a City Do Pedestrians Get Hit the Most? Non-intersections are a hotspot for pedestrian accidents in urban cities. According to the United States Department of Transportation, more than 70 percent of pedestrian-related fatalities occur while on a stroll or running. This statistic matters because it shows that accidents are more likely to happen when one’s senses are impaired, such as when a person walks for leisure. A person walking from point A to point B is less likely to be struck because they’re more attentive than someone who is jogging. Most of these accidents occur between 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. Read on to learn who is most at risk. Who is Most at Risk of Becoming a Victim? Although every pedestrian is in danger of getting struck by a car, certain groups have a higher risk. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), these people are most at risk: Male pedestrians are more likely to get hit by cars than women. As people age, they’re more likely to die from injuries caused by an accident. Teenagers and young adults ages 15-29 are more likely to receive treatment for injuries as pedestrians in emergency rooms compared to older people. Children are at the highest risk of dying if struck by a car. One in five traffic fatalities of children who were younger than 14 died from this type of accident. Thirty-four percent of pedestrians who died as a result of a pedestrian accident had a .08 percent blood alcohol concentration or higher. Common Causes of Pedestrian Accidents Drivers have a duty of care to obey traffic laws and must look out for pedestrians. When they don’t follow traffic signs, fatal crashes may occur. Common ways driver negligence results in accidents include: Distracted driving: When drivers talk on the phone, text, or eat and drink, their minds and eyes aren’t on the road. An unsuspecting pedestrian who has the right of way may fall victim to a driver’s negligence. Intoxicated driving: When a driver is intoxicated through alcohol or drugs, their reasoning, reaction times, and driving abilities become impaired. They can easily miss a pedestrian, especially at night. Speeding: Not only is speeding a violation of traffic laws, but it’s also one of the most reckless forms of driving. When pedestrians get hit by speeding cars, they may suffer life-threatening injuries or die on impact. Poor weather: Drivers who don’t slow down when it’s foggy, rainy, or snowy might not be able to see pedestrians. They may not be able to slow down or stop in time on slippery roads. Left-hand turns: Pedestrians risk being struck when using crosswalks by cars turning left. Unfortunately, a driver’s focus may be on safely navigating the intersection instead of the pedestrian legally crossing the street. Failing to yield: People who drive past stop signs and don’t stop for pedestrians who have the right of way are a common cause of these accidents. Backing-up accidents: Some of the worst accidents occur in people’s driveways when they back up their cars over a child they can’t see. Establishing Fault If a pedestrian crosses the street while the crosswalk sign says, “don’t walk” and is struck by a car, they may be legally at fault for their accident. They may also be held liable if they cross prohibited roads, freeways, and highways. However, a driver who doesn’t stop to check on a victim after hitting them, whether it’s their fault or not, might be charged with hit-and-run. They’re often found negligent in backing-up and left-hand turn accidents. Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton is Here for You Although pedestrians get hit most in densely populated cities, they risk being struck anywhere, including suburban areas. If you were recently involved in a pedestrian accident, an experienced personal injury attorney from Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton could help you receive the compensation you deserve. We have offices throughout Utah County and West Jordan. Schedule your free case evaluation today.

What Are The Emotional Reactions To Hitting A Pedestrian?

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Being struck by a car as a pedestrian can leave you with damaging psychological and physical effects. If you’ve experienced this situation, you know how agonizing these injuries are, coupled with the emotional trauma that comes with surviving a near-death experience.  Learn more about the strong emotional reactions associated with striking a pedestrian in today’s blog.  The Aftermath of Surviving an Accident Depending on the severity of the pedestrian accident, the emotional impact may be as small as avoiding the road. Unfortunately, in more extreme circumstances, a victim may not want to leave their home because they’re too afraid to even walk on the sidewalk. Some of them may even feel too afraid to be near their car, causing triggers each time one drives by their home.  Being struck by a car can deteriorate your quality of life. Continue reading to understand the psychological effects of surviving this incident.  Intense Feelings of Anxiety Experiencing moderate anxiety is normal from time to time, especially since most people experience anxious feelings daily. However, after suffering physical injuries from a pedestrian accident, you may feel heightened anxiety. Sadly, these bouts of anxiety can become so crippling that survivors often develop mild, moderate, or severe depression. Some survivors become unable to perform daily tasks they once enjoyed, and some even lose their jobs due to depersonalization.  Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a psychological disorder that can develop in individuals who have witnessed or survived a traumatic event, such as a natural disaster, serious accident, war, sexual assault, and more. Individuals with this disorder may be unable to finish basic tasks, such as keeping up with personal hygiene, paying bills, cooking, shopping, doing laundry, driving, or showing up to work.  Worst of all, a survivor of an accident may encounter triggers in their everyday life that remind them of the accident, bringing up feelings of hopelessness and panic. Moreover, PTSD can slow down a person’s rehabilitation process because there’s a correlation between emotional and physical health.  Survivor’s Guilt Survivor’s guilt is a condition of persistent mental and emotional stress experienced by someone who has survived an incident in which others died. For instance, if a pedestrian was distracted while crossing the street and the driver of the car swerved out of the lane to avoid hitting them, resulting in death, then the pedestrian might feel responsible for their death. It’s essential to seek help from a psychiatrist after an accident so that you don’t develop this mindset, which can worsen if left untreated.  Misplaced Anger Conversely, some people may feel angry at the driver and public safety officials after an accident. It’s justifiable to feel upset that your life has been disrupted if you’re unable to go back to your job for some time and can’t perform tasks, but you can’t let these feelings overcome you. Remember, there’s a relationship between emotional and physical health, and harboring resentment might slow down your recovery time.  Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton is Here for You Surviving a car accident as a pedestrian can make you feel vulnerable, and it may take years to recover fully. If a negligent driver recently struck you, you should reach out to a personal injury attorney who can ensure you receive damages. The experienced personal injury attorneys at Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton can ensure you receive compensation while you focus on healing. We have offices throughout Utah County and West Jordan.