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Category: Dog Bite

Safety Matters: Advice for New Truck Drivers

Safety Matters: Advice for New Truck Drivers

If you’re starting your career as a truck driver, you’ll want to hear some advice for new truck drivers from seasoned pros. After all, everyone starts in the same spot.

What Exactly Is A Burn Injury?

What Exactly Is A Burn Injury?

Common injuries include cuts, bruises, broken bones, and fractures – so what exactly is a burn injury? Anyone can be burned, but some people are more susceptible to burns than

How Pedestrians Can Stay Safe

How Pedestrians Can Stay Safe

Distractions are a significant threat to everyone on the road, so you must learn how pedestrians can stay safe despite these regular interruptions. Most people are pedestrians at some point

5 Common Myths About Truck Accidents

5 Common Myths About Truck Accidents

Victims of truck accidents need accurate information to protect their legal rights, but it can be challenging to decipher contradicting material online. Truck accidents are unpredictable and happen more often

Advice on Recovering From a Truck Accident

Advice on Recovering From a Truck Accident

Recovering from a serious truck accident takes time and care, but there are actions you can take that will put you on the right track to healing. The physical and

Why You Should Avoid Driving on Black Ice

Why You Should Avoid Driving on Black Ice

Driving on black ice is one of the most dangerous risk factors during winter, so it’s critical to know how to keep yourself safe. Each year, 24 percent of weather-related

Why Being a Safe Driver Matters

Each year, over 25,000 Utahns are injured in motor vehicle crashes, so it’s vital to understand what it takes to be a safe driver. Not only do car accidents cause

Tips for Safely Driving in the Snow

Driving in the snow can be tremendously dangerous and complicated, so it’s vital to prepare yourself before heading out on the road. Whether it’s sleet, ice, hail, or snow, winter