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Tag: Pedestrian Accidents

How Often Are Pedestrians Hit by Vehicles?

How Often Are Pedestrians Hit by Vehicles?

Whether you are walking to the store, home from school, or from your car to work, most people are pedestrians at some point during the day.  Unfortunately, pedestrian deaths and

Locations Where Pedestrians Get Hit the Most

Pedestrians get hit most in urban cities. Their injuries and fatalities are but one aspect of a bigger set of problems related to road safety. Although walking is great for

What is a Negligent Pedestrian?

What is a Negligent Pedestrian?

When it comes to pedestrian accidents, you may assume the driver is at fault; however, this assertion isn’t always correct. Many people believe the adage, “pedestrians always have the right

Do Pedestrians Always Have the Right-of-Way

Do Pedestrians Always Have the Right-of-Way?

When you’re taking a relaxing stroll, you may not be worried about the risks distracted, speeding, or negligent drivers pose. As someone who’s on the road, either as a driver

What If I Hit A Jaywalker

What If I Hit A Jaywalker?

When we hear of car accidents involving pedestrians, we usually assume it’s the driver’s fault because of how big and powerful vehicles are. However, pedestrians can also be held liable

The 5 Biggest Reasons For Pedestrian Accidents

The Five Biggest Reasons for Pedestrian Accidents

Traveling by foot is the healthier option, but it’s not always the safer option. Pedestrians are involved in 13 percent of vehicle-related fatalities, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety

Healing After A Pedestrian Accidents

Healing After A Pedestrian Accident

After a catastrophic incident such as a car wreck, most people can’t wait to get back on their feet. While feeling eager to get better is understandable, you shouldn’t curtail

Phone Distracted Walking

Put Away The Phone! Preventing Pedestrian Accidents

Distracted driving is a well-researched problem, and several states have passed legislation to ban technology use while driving. Everywhere we go, we’re reminded to not text and drive—signs are plastered