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Workplace Injury

A workplace injury or illness can disrupt your entire life and impact your future career options. However, dealing with a workers’ compensation claim when you should be healing can feel overwhelming. We can help!

Work Injuries Can Be Remarkably Disruptive

Injured on the job? If you or a loved one are facing the aftermath of a workplace accident or injury, we can help you through the recovery process.

Get the Help You Need


1: Seek Medical Attention

If you were seriously injured at work, you should seek care right away. Doing so not only protects your health but can also ensure you have the documentation you need to apply for a claim. However, keep in mind that some employers have designated providers. You will need to see their chosen professional before going to your normal doctor.

2: Notify Your Employer

As soon as possible, tell your employer about your injury or about any work-related illness you discover. Once they know about the issue, your employer can begin the claims process. In general, employees have 180 days to inform their employer of a work-related medical concern.

3: Provide All Necessary Forms

Your employer has 7 days after learning about a work-related injury or illness to file a “First Report of Injury” with their workers’ compensation insurance. Make sure you communicate with your employer during this time and provide all the forms necessary for your claim. These may include documents from your doctor about your injury.

4: Wait for a Response

Most workers’ compensation providers have 21 days to begin payment, deny your claim, or notify you that further investigation is necessary. However, they may also have the right to file for an extension, giving them 45 days to respond.

5: Contact an Attorney

Our team can assist you with any stage of the process, from the initial requirements of filing to the appeals process if your claim is denied. Workers’ compensation claims are complicated. An attorney can ensure you receive the level of compensation you need to recover.


“I lost part of my leg in an industrial accident and was referred to Flickinger • Boulton • Robson • Weeks by my work compensation attorney… I ultimately received approximately $750,000 in settlement and continued medical benefits for life for my injuries. Kevin was also able to negotiate a significant reduction of the medical and workers compensation liens to assist me and increase my recovery.”
– Chris, Spanish Fork, UT

Types of Benefits


Medical Benefits

Your employer or their insurance carrier is required to pay all medical expenses related to the injury, such as hospital bills, prescriptions, and broken appliances. In some cases, this benefit will also cover transportation to and from appointments.

Vocational Rehabilitation

If you cannot return to your normal job due to your injury, workers’ compensation may pay for placement programs or other services to help you return to work. However, it is important to keep in mind that Utah law does not require employers to provide vocational rehabilitation.

Death Benefits

If you lost a loved one due to a work-related accident or illness, you may have the right to pursue benefitsunder workers’ compensation. These death benefits often include coverage for funeral and burial expenses.

Temporary Compensation

Temporary total benefits cover two-thirds of your average weekly wage and continue until you reach maximum medical improvement or are able to return to work. If you can still work but are earning less than usual, you may receive temporary partial benefitswhich cover two-thirds the difference between your pre-injury wages and current wages.

Permanent Partial Disability

If your injury or illness causes a permanent impairment, you may receive additional compensation. Typically, your doctor will evaluate you once you reach “medical stability” and determine the severity of your impairment. This assessment will affect how much disability compensation you receive.

Permanent Total Disability

If your work-related injury or illness permanently prevents you from returning to work, you may be entitled to weekly payments for life. Your doctor may consider your disability “total” if it leaves you unable to perform reasonably available work given your age, education, experience, and other factors.


Know Your Rights

“What people need to understand first and foremost is that the insurance company they’re dealing with on the other side is not a charitable organization. They are not there to look out for the rights of the people who have been injured…
“[We] get a great deal of satisfaction out of helping people who otherwise would have absolutely nowhere to turn and help them put their lives back together…”


Your Legal Options


Administrative Claim

In most work-related injuries, the main route for compensation is an administrative claim. These types of claims typically only cover lost wages and medical expenses, though they may also include benefits for permanent impairments.

With an administrative claim, you follow the normal steps for reporting a work-related injury or illness. While you do not need an attorney for this type of claim, additional support from our team can ensure you follow the process properly and receive proper coverage.

Third-Party Claim

If your injury was caused by someone other than your coworker or employer, you may have the right to file a third-party claim. With a third-party claim, you can receive compensation for pain and suffering, as well as medical expenses and lost wages.

This type of civil case can supplement your benefits from an administrative claim or help you receive what you need if your employer’s insurance carrier denies your claim. Our team can help you investigate the cause of your work-related injury or illness and pursue a personal injury case against those responsible.


“The attorneys at [Flickinger • Boulton • Robson • Weeks] are the most knowledgeable and caring people I have ever had the pleasure of working with, you are not just a client you are treated like a friend. they keep you up to speed on everything they are doing. I would recommend them to every one, if you need an attorney don’t hesitate to call them, you wont regret it.”
– Brad B.

Find the Support You Need

Utah Workers Compensation Lawyers Working Case

Utah Workers Compensation Lawyers from Flickinger • Boulton • Robson • Weeks Helping Clients With a Case

Workers’ compensation is a system intended to ensure employees have the funds they need to recover from a work-related injury or illness.

Most employers are required to have insurance to cover workers’ compensation claims and those providers must fairly consider your claim for coverage.

However, navigating a workers’ compensation claim can quickly become complex and stressful, especially if your initial claim is denied.

A workers’ compensation attorney from Flickinger • Boulton • Robson • Weeks can help with all stages of your claim to ensure you receive what you need to recover and begin rebuilding your life.

Call our office at (801) 500-4000 to schedule a consultation or discuss your case.