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The Dangers of Pile-Up Car Accidents

The Dangers of Pile-Up Car Accidents

Pile-up car accidents are one of the most destructive events that occur on the road, so knowing how to prevent them is vital knowledge for drivers. Today we’re taking a deep dive into why these accidents happen, how serious they are, and what to do if you find yourself in a similar situation. How Do These Accidents Happen? Pile-up accidents can occur in multiple situations. The most common occurrences are when cars are traveling at high speeds, such as on an interstate, or during inclement weather. When an accident happens and there is very little time to react, other vehicles might not be able to avoid the collision resulting in a multiple vehicle pile-up. Here are some other culprits of pile-up car accidents: Drowsy driving – Driving while feeling tired can be very dangerous. Drowsy driving can lead to impaired judgment and slow reaction times. Make sure that you are well rested each time you get behind the wheel. Impaired driving – Just like drowsy driving, impaired driving can disable your ability to react and drive safely. With this impairment, multiple car accidents are more likely to occur. Distracted driving – Most people have a smartphone or other device. These devices are remarkable but can be deadly if used while driving. Distracted driving can cause the first collision or instigate a multiple car pile-up. Put your phone down and pay attention to the road for your safety and the safety of others. What Makes Pile-Ups Different? Pile-up accidents can pose many different problems that smaller collisions do not usually face. Injury risk – According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, there were 2,200 more deaths in a multiple vehicle accidents than single vehicle accidents in 2018. Blocking a path for emergency vehicles – If the pile-up damage is large enough, it can be difficult for the police and ambulances to reach people in need. Fire risk – Fires are more prevalent in pile-ups than in single car accidents. More damage typically happens in multiple car accidents which causes increased fire danger. What Do I Do if I Am in a Pile-up Accident? These types of collisions can be very shocking and stressful. Here are some steps to follow if you ever find yourself in this situation: Stay buckled in your vehicle and make sure every passenger does the same. Getting out of the car is extremely dangerous because the unknown of more cars colliding into the pile-up poses a severe risk. To increase the visibility of your vehicle, turn on your hazard lights. This can help other drivers notice and avoid the accident. Gather information from the other drivers and witnesses. Take pictures of the damage once police arrive. Cooperate with the authorities and offer a full and honest statement. Be sure to get a copy of the accident report afterward. If you are injured, seek medical attention immediately. Additionally, car accidents can be very traumatic, so meet with a mental health professional if necessary. Contact Flickinger Sutterfield and Boulton If you are involved in a pile-up car accident, Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton is here to help. Our car accident claims lawyers know that one of the most pressing concerns for car accident victims is getting full and fair compensation. With decades of experience on our side, we are prepared to help you receive this. We have offices in Orem, Provo, Saratoga Springs, and West Jordan, Utah. Reach out for a free case evaluation today.

Everything You Need To Know About 2019 Pedestrian Crash Statics

Everything You Need to Know About 2019 Pedestrian Crash Statics

Pedestrian crash statistics reveal that pedestrian injuries and collisions are a severe problem across the nation. These fatalities have steadily increased over the last decade, and show no sign of slowing down. Today, we are taking a deep dive into the startling pedestrian statistics that plague our nation’s roads and how to protect yourself from these types of accidents. 2019 Statistics 2019 was a devastating year regarding pedestrian crash statistics. According to Governors Highway Safety Association, there were 6,590 pedestrian deaths (22 coming from Utah), which is the highest toll over the past 30 years. That number increased from 2018, in which there were 6,227 deaths. This is concerning because, over the past ten years, pedestrian deaths have increased by 50 percent. In 2019, pedestrians accounted for 17 percent of all traffic deaths. In 2009, they only accounted for about 12 percent of traffic deaths. Causes There are many reasons that pedestrian accidents occur, but distractions are the main cause behind these incidents. Distracted drivers and negligent pedestrians both contribute equally to this problem. As far as the time of day is concerned, it is most common for pedestrian accidents to happen at night and on local roads that are not close to intersections. Dimly lit areas where walkers are not expected to be is another hot spot for these incidents. During the past 10 years, nighttime pedestrian fatalities increased by 67 percent, where daytime fatalities only increased by 16 percent. Pedestrian Tips There are three main aspects surrounding pedestrian safety: How to walk safely, taking action against distraction, and letting your actions speak louder than words. Here are some specific ways you can stay safe while walking or biking around town: Walk Safely – Remember to look left, right, and left again before crossing a street. While crossing, keep scanning for cars until you are safely on the other side. Pay special attention to cars that are turning or backing up. Make eye contact with drivers before you cross the street, so you can ensure that they are aware of you. Take Action against Distraction – Take headphones off before crossing the street. If you need to make a phone call, stop in a safe area instead of chatting while walking. Be aware of others who might be distracted and speak up if you notice someone who is about to encounter danger. Let Your Actions Speak Louder Than Words – Give pedestrians the right of way when driving. Be particularly alert when driving through school zones and residential areas. Put away all distractions while operating a vehicle. Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton is Here for You Pedestrian crash statistics prove that this problem is on a steady rise. If you find yourself involved in a pedestrian collision, the accident lawyers at Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton are here to help. We understand the stressfulness of the situation, and we will work tirelessly to maximize the outcome of your case. We have offices in Orem, Provo, Saratoga Springs, and West Jordan, Utah. Contact us for a free case evaluation today.

Airbags Didn’t Deploy During My Car Accident: What Should I Do?

Airbags Didn’t Deploy During My Car Accident: What Should I Do?

Whether you cause a car accident or fall victim to one, you expect the airbags to deploy during your crash to keep you and your passengers safe. Some accidents are not severe enough to warrant airbag protection, but when they fail to deploy during a major accident, the results can be devastating.  Continue reading to understand possible reasons why your airbags might not deploy and what to do if defects are present.  Potential Reasons Your Airbags Didn’t Deploy  Airbag activation depends on a variety of factors including the speed and direction of the crash, the design of the system, and the location of the crash sensors. Airbags are not intended to deploy in all crashes.  According to the NHTSA, here are some possible reasons why your airbags might not deploy:  The crash conditions are not severe enough to warrant airbag protection. Seat belts are the first line of defense in a car crash. During a low impact collision, they should provide sufficient protection. No person was detected in the passenger seat. Most advanced frontal airbag systems only activate if enough weight is placed on the seat. For this reason, children or individuals with small statures should avoid riding in the front seat. In used vehicles, there may be no airbags. If you drive a used vehicle that has previously been involved in a crash where the airbags deployed, they might not have been replaced after the incident. In severe crashes, vital electrical wires could have been compromised. Occasionally an impact can be so severe that the electrical wires responsible for controlling the airbag system are severed, causing deactivation. There may be manufacturing defects. Defective sensors, electrical components, and modules might be responsible for an airbag’s failure to deploy.  Types of Airbag Defects  Defective airbags are incredibly dangerous and unfortunately not uncommon. Currently, there is a recall for Takata airbags that the NHTSA has called “the largest and most complex safety recall in U.S. history.” An airbag can have many different types of malfunctions, including:  Defective crash sensors Complications with the computer controls or electrical components Issues within the airbag module It is crucial to regularly check if your car’s airbag system is under recall. These defects are free to fix and doing so could save your life.  Proving Manufacturer Liability  When compiling your liability case, your attorney will need to establish:  The airbags did not deploy but should have. They did not deploy because of manufacturing defects. You sustained injuries because they did not deploy. Your attorney will work to provide you with compensation in the form of medical expenses, emotional distress, lost wages, ongoing care costs, and pain and suffering.  Contact Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton  If your airbags did not deploy during a crash and you have sustained injuries, Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton can help. Our experienced attorneys have handled many product liability cases and are ready to fight to ensure that you are justly compensated for your damages.  Our offices are located in Orem, Provo, Saratoga Springs, and West Jordan, Utah. Contact us today to discuss the details of your case and find out how we can help.

How Can I Help a Loved One Heal from Nursing Home Abuse?

How Can I Help a Loved One Heal from Nursing Home Abuse?

Finding out that your loved one was mistreated in their care facility is devastating, and they will need to heal from nursing home abuse. Unfortunately, elders are not always able to speak out about their mistreatment, but recognizing the signs and knowing how to aid in their recovery can better help you protect them. Types of Nursing Home Abuse Unfortunately, there are many ways elders can be abused in care facilities. The following are the most common types of nursing home abuse: Physical Abuse – This is when pain or injury is intentionally inflicted on a resident. This can include slapping, shaking, or shoving. Emotional Abuse – This occurs when someone causes mental or psychological pain through verbal or non-verbal actions. This can be done through coercion, harassment, or ignoring the resident. Sexual Abuse – This type of abuse includes any non-consensual sexual activity. Signs of Nursing Home Abuse Nursing home neglect can be hard to detect and sometimes your loved one might be too embarrassed or scared to speak up. It is important to be aware and look for potential signs of maltreatment. Here are a few red flags to watch out for: Bruising or abrasions Open wounds and bedsores Loss of hair Poor hygiene The disappearance of personal items Emotional withdrawal Childish or odd behavior Apathy   Healing from Nursing Home Abuse As you help your loved one heal from nursing home abuse, remember that everyone processes and reacts to trauma in their own way. Understand that recovery is not a “one size fits all” plan. Regardless of the type of mistreatment, your loved one must be able to feel that you have their full support. Reassure them that there is no need to feel any shame or embarrassment surrounding the situation. Mental and physical healing is a journey, not a sprint. Having a support system along every step of the way will increase the success of their recovery. Help them take control of their situation by committing to them throughout this process. Moreover, meeting with an abuse recovery counselor is an essential part of healing. Professional counseling will help you and your loved one cope with the mental and physical anguish of abuse. Once they are making progress, they might be ready to find a new facility or home to live in. New living accommodations and a change of scenery can help them regain control and move forward from the incident. If Your Loved One Has Suffered Abuse, Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton Can Help As you strive to help your loved one heal from nursing home abuse, Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton is here to fight for the care they deserve. We understand how critical it is to hold negligent nursing homes accountable for any degree of abuse or neglect their staff has inflicted upon their residents. Our offices are located in Orem, Provo, Saratoga Springs, and West Jordan, Utah. Schedule your free case evaluation today.

What is the Fatality Rate of Motorcycle Accidents

Motorbikes have high-performance capabilities and can be a safe way to travel, but when motorcycle accidents occur, operators are at risk. Since motorcycles do not offer the same protection as an enclosed vehicle, their riders are more likely to be injured or killed in a crash. It is important to understand these statistics, how they affect you, and ways to keep yourself safe on the road. National Statistics According to the most recent information from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 4,985 people were killed in motorcycle accidents in 2018. That number saw a five percent decrease from the previous year, but riders are still overrepresented in traffic fatalities. Utah Statistics In Utah, motorcycle accidents are steadily increasing. According to state troopers, there were 47 fatalities related to motorbikes in 2019. That was a 24 percent increase from the year before, which is very concerning to both law enforcement and motorists. Over the last five years, 1.8 percent of all accidents in Utah involved a motorcycle. That number might not seem concerning initially, but knowing that it represents 5,430 crashes is alarming. This demonstrates the need for heightened motorist awareness. Most Dangerous Times to Operate a Motorcycle In Utah, the majority of accidents involving a motorcycle over the last five years occurred over the weekend, with Saturday being the highest day. Additionally, most of these crashes happened during rush hour traffic from around 4-6 PM. Be sure to exercise extra caution when driving during these times. How to Stay Safe Operating a motorcycle can be more dangerous than driving a normal car or truck. Even with this information, motorbikes are still a safe and economic way to travel. Many steps can be taken to avoid accidents, such as: Always wear a helmet Obey all traffic rules Ride defensively Avoid driving while drowsy Always ride sober Make sure your motorcycle is fit for the road Check the tires Look for signs of oil or gas leaks under the bike Ensure that headlight, taillight, and signals are functioning Check hydraulic and coolant fluid levels weekly Most Common Accidents Ride Apart created a list of the most common reasons motorcycle accidents happen and how to avoid them. Let us review some of the most important ones: A car turns left in front of you – Most accidents happen when a driver is inattentive and does not see you, especially while turning left. The best way to avoid these accidents is to be attentive. Gravel on the road– When you are riding and make a turn, there could be dirt or gravel in the road. The best way to avoid spin outs and crashes due to gravel is to take turns slowly. Unsafe road conditions – Storms can cause the roads to be slippery and unsafe. Hitting a slick patch of ice can be deadly. Slow your speed and be on the lookout for puddles of water during and after a storm. Flickinger Sutterfield and Boulton is Here for You Motorcycle accidents are unfortunately quite commonplace. If you find yourself in this situation, reach out to our experienced attorneys to review the best course of action. We can help you obtain your rightful compensation for any damages. We have offices in Provo, Orem, Saratoga Springs, and West Jordan, Utah. Contact us to schedule your free case evaluation today.

Causes of Accidents: Truck Driver Fatigue

Causes of Accidents Truck Driver Fatigue

Truck driver fatigue is a leading cause of commercial motor vehicle accidents, yet it is not discussed as much as it should be.  Truck drivers work during a variety of extreme circumstances, so taking the wheel while feeling a little sleepy might not seem too risky initially. Unfortunately, the statistics surrounding drowsy driving prove that it is incredibly risky and dangerous.  Fatigue is as Dangerous as Driving Under the Influence  Many people do not realize just how hazardous it is to drive while feeling tired. In fact, drowsy driving is just as dangerous as driving under the influence. The dangers of truck driver fatigue parallel that of DUI, including:  Delayed thought process and reaction time Impaired judgment and vision Shortened attention span Inability to make wise decisions Causes of Driver Fatigue  Truckers are among the highest group of individuals at risk for driver fatigue. This is because they no longer have the luxury of taking naps whenever necessary. Instead, they typically drive the maximum amount of time possible mandated by the government, which is 11 hours. The nature of commercial driving is exhausting, and most operators work 60+ hours per week. Even when truckers are not working, it can be very difficult for them to establish a regular sleep pattern.  How Often Fatigued Driving Occurs  The CDC created a survey to determine how often commercial drivers take the wheel while feeling drowsy. The survey results were quite troubling:  7 percent of drivers admitted to feeling very drowsy almost every day driving. 34 percent of drivers said they have nodded off or fallen asleep while driving. 24 percent of truck drivers had at least one near-miss during a seven-day period. 12 percent of truck drivers had two or more near misses.  Tips for Truck Drivers  The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration reported that 13 percent of commercial motor vehicle drivers were considered to have been fatigued at the time of their crash. Below are some tips that will help you stay well-rested for all of your trips and not become part of this startling statistic:  Get enough sleep – If possible, do not while your body is naturally drowsy (between the hours of midnight and 6 A.M.). Maintain a healthy diet – Try not to skip meals, eat at irregular times, sleep immediately after a big meal, or go to bed on an empty stomach. Take a nap when feeling less alert – Ideally, a nap should last up to 45 minutes. Allow at least 15 minutes after waking up to fully recover before hitting the road again. Avoid medication that induces drowsiness – If you need a certain medication, talk to your doctor to find a solution that won’t tire you out. Recognize the signals of drowsy driving – Indicators of sleepiness include frequent yawning, heavy eyes, and blurred vision. Do not rely on alertness tricks to stay awake – Tricks such as smoking, playing loud music, opening the window, or chewing gum are not real cures for drowsiness and provide a false sense of security. Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton Can Help You Receive the Compensation You Deserve  If you have sustained car accident injuries due to truck driver fatigue, Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton can help. With over 50 years of combined experience in personal injury cases, you can rest assured that you are in good hands with our team.  We have offices in Orem, Provo, Saratoga Springs, and West Jordan, Utah. Contact us today.

What Happens If I Do Not Accept a Medical Settlement?

What Happens If I Do Not Accept a Medical Settlement?

If you or someone you love is a victim of medical negligence, you may be debating between accepting a medical settlement or taking the case to trial. Although most medical professionals are trustworthy and qualified to assist you with your medicinal needs, it is unfortunately not uncommon for medical malpractice to occur. If this happens to you or someone you love, understanding your rights and options is essential. Whether you decide to accept a settlement or take the case to trial is ultimately up to you, but reviewing your options may help ease the burden of this decision. What is Medical Malpractice? Many people wonder what constitutes medical malpractice and whether or not they have a legitimate case. According to the American Board of Professional Liability Attorneys, the definition of medical malpractice is when a hospital, doctor, or other health care professional, through a negligent act or omission, causes an injury to a patient. If you feel that you have been injured in this way, you should investigate your options for a medical malpractice case. What to Do When Medical Negligence Has Occurred? If you believe you have a valid case, first contact an attorney that specializes in medical malpractice. They will help guide you through the situation. There is a two-year statute of limitations for these kinds of cases in Utah, so it is important to seek legal help as soon as possible. A malpractice attorney will perform an investigation of the facts surrounding the case, and then gather evidence to prove that negligence has occurred. If they believe that you have a legitimate case, a suit will be filed. Settle or Go to Trial? When a suit is filed and there is merit to your case, the two parties will meet and try to agree on a medical settlement. This is a quick way to reconcile the suit without going to trial. Both parties will go back and forth with offers as your attorney facilitates the conversations. There are various pros and cons for both settling and going to trial. After counseling with your attorney, if you do not agree with the settlement that was presented, you can deny the offer and take the case to trial. If your case does go to trial, the option for settlement is still on the table. How Long Is a Medical Malpractice Trial? There is not a standard timeframe for this type of trial; typically, they can last between 12 and 24 months. Some trials can last up to 3 or 4 years. The length of time should be considered when contemplating denying a settlement offer. There is no right or wrong answer and each case is different, so it is important to have an experienced attorney to help you navigate your specific situation. Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton Can Help Surviving a medical malpractice incident can be traumatizing, but our experienced personal injury attorneys are here to help you through your medical settlement or trial. Whether or not you decide to take your case to trial, you can trust that Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton will help you receive the compensation you deserve. Our firm assists clients in holding careless doctors, technicians, and pharmacists accountable. Our offices are located in Provo, West Jordan, Orem, and Saratoga Springs, Utah. Schedule your free case evaluation today.

Top Liability Issues Restaurant and Bar Owners Face

Top Liability Issues Restaurant and Bar Owners Face

If you want to protect your business from legal affairs, start by learning about the most common liability issues restaurant and bar owners face. It is important to learn how you can prevent them from impacting you. Dealing with a legal issue is one of the most stressful things a restaurant or bar owner can experience. These establishments are susceptible to problems with the law due to their social nature and fast-past environment. Continue reading to learn some of the most common liability issues restaurant and bar owners face and how to avoid them. Driving Under the Influence  The most common type of liability issue restaurant and bar owners face comes from over-serving alcohol to a patron who then gets behind the wheel. Dram shop laws allow the victims of DUI accidents to pursue compensation from every party responsible. In most states, including Utah, this liability can extend to alcohol-serving establishments. Underage Drinking Underage drinking is something all restaurant and bar owners regularly encounter. In order to protect your business, make sure you are carding every customer before serving them alcohol. If your establishment knowingly or unknowingly serves liquor to a minor, you could be at risk. Injuries From Fights It is not uncommon for a fight to break out in a bar. Alcohol can impair judgment and cause tempers to flare, leading to violent outcomes. Your establishment could be named in a lawsuit for not breaking up the fight, serving the beverages, or for a variety of other reasons that lead to injury or property damage. Accidents Accidents frequently occur in restaurants and bars, so it is essential to be protected. Common accidents owners may encounter include, but are not limited to: lip-and-falls Parking lot accidents Food contamination Choking An injury to a bystander due to a fight No Exit Zone Clearly marked exits should not be overlooked in an eating establishment. If an emergency occurs and patrons are unable to exit, the claims for bodily injury could be significant. Ensure that all exits are clearly labeled, unblocked, and easily accessible at all times. Health Code Issues Health and safety concerns usually arise from carelessness in food and drink preparation and handling. A lack of sanitation and proper cooking procedures can lead to various forms of food-borne illness. Avoiding this type of liability requires adherence to food safety codes established by your state health department. Here are a few tips to keep your business up to code: Follow food safety temperatures Properly store all food Maintain proper personal hygiene, including handwashing Keep a clean and sanitized work space Avoid cross-contamination Protect Your Business with Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton There are many liability issues restaurant and bar owners potentially face every day. You cannot stop all lawsuits from happening, but the attorneys at Flickinger Sutterfield & Boulton can help you protect yourself and your business if liabilities arise. We have offices in Orem, Provo, Saratoga Springs, and West Jordan, Utah. Contact us for your free case evaluation today.