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Category: Dog Bite

Distracted Driving: Why You Should Stop Eating While Driving

Why You Should Stop Eating While Driving

Eating while driving is a distraction that poses serious safety risks on the road, and distracted driving causes numerous car accidents every year.  Keep reading to learn more about the

How Long Does a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit Take?

How Long Does a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit Take

If you or a loved one has fallen victim to a preventable medical error, consider filing a medical malpractice lawsuit to receive compensation. Medical errors are currently the third-leading cause

Is it Illegal to Keep Insurance Claims?

Is it Illegal to Keep Insurance Claims

If you have filed an insurance claim after an accident, it is important to understand what you are allowed to use the payout funds for. In some cases, a person

Signs of Sexual Abuse in Children and Adolescents

Signs of Sexual Abuse in Children and Adolescents

Changes in Emotions Acting aggressively Becoming angry for no apparent reason Having low self-esteem Having trouble developing or maintaining relationships Crying for no obvious reason Changes in Behavior Practicing self-harm

Types of Accidents: Side-Impact Collisions

Many car crashes happen each day, but side-impact collisions are among the most common and devastating of all types of accidents.  Even at low speeds, side-impact collisions can cause extensive

Statistics on Texting While Driving

Most people try to manage the complexity of their lives by multitasking. Whether eating while driving or sending a text at a stoplight, drivers are trying to complete multiple tasks

How Many People Die from Being Hit By a Car?

How Many People Die From Being Hit By A Car?

Driving is an inherently dangerous activity, and it comes with more risks than flying on an airplane or hopping on a long train ride. Despite the overwhelming amount of information

Common Causes of Dog Bites in the U.S.

Common Causes of Dog Bites in the U.S.

Dogs are everywhere, and chances are, you have a furry friend of your own. Although dogs are adorable, all of them are capable of biting, regardless of their breed or

Dog Bite Injuries: Who Is Liable?

Dog Bite Injuries: Who Is Liable?

If you’ve suffered from a dog bite recently, don’t minimize your pain. Dog bites are responsible for the hospitalization of roughly 10,000 Americans each year, according to the canine education

Dog Bite Statistics

Dog Bite Statistics

Dogs are often considered our best friend, and their companionship can certainly brighten a person’s day and alleviate loneliness. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that 36

Dog Bite Statistics

Recovering Damages in Dog Bite Cases

Most people associate a personal injury with a car accident, but there are other ways a person can get hurt and require medical attention. One of the most common types