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Tag: Pedestrian Injury


Locations Where Pedestrians Get Hit the Most

Pedestrians get hit most in urban cities. Their injuries and fatalities are but one aspect of a bigger set of problems related to road safety. Although walking is great for

Do Pedestrians Always Have the Right-of-Way

Do Pedestrians Always Have the Right-of-Way?

When you’re taking a relaxing stroll, you may not be worried about the risks distracted, speeding, or negligent drivers pose. As someone who’s on the road, either as a driver

What If I Hit A Jaywalker

What If I Hit A Jaywalker?

When we hear of car accidents involving pedestrians, we usually assume it’s the driver’s fault because of how big and powerful vehicles are. However, pedestrians can also be held liable

Pedestrian and Bike Accidents: Who’s at Fault?

Pedestrian and Bike Accidents: Who’s at Fault?

One of the most overlooked types of accidents happens between pedestrians and bicyclists. People have a hard time believing that pedestrians or bicyclists can cause accidents, but they also share

UTA Accident Prompts Look into Pedestrian Safety

A recent accident with a TRAX train has prompted the Utah Transit Authority (UTA) to take a closer look at pedestrian safety and at what threats non-motorists face on the state’s roadways

Federal Agency Focusing on Pedestrian Fatalities

The U.S. is a car-oriented society. Many cities were designed to be automobile-friendly, which makes them dangerous for pedestrians. Federal government automobile fatality statistics show that pedestrian fatalities have been