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Month: October 2020

My Loved One Doesn't Want to Report Sexual Abuse: What Should I Do?

My Loved One Doesn’t Want to Report Sexual Abuse: What Should I Do?

If someone you love has been victimized but does not want to report sexual abuse, it can be difficult knowing how to help them. Once they have entrusted you with their story, you might feel hopeless if they decline to speak to authorities about the assault. Fortunately, there are still many ways you can be an asset to them and aid them through the healing process. Why Someone Might Be Apprehensive to Report Sexual Abuse First, it is important to understand the variety of reasons your loved one might not want to report the abuse. They might be

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Causes of Accidents: Drunk Driving

Causes of Accidents: Drunk Driving

Almost 30 people die every day due to drunk driving accidents. That equates to one person every 50 minutes, and over 10,000 people each year. Even though drunk driving numbers have decreased every decade over the past 30 years, it is still plaguing this country, injuring and killing innocent bystanders every hour. Alcohol’s Effect on Drivers Alcohol inhibits the brain’s ability to react to situations. During decision-making, signals are delayed as they are sent through the body. Here are some specific driving functions that are impaired by alcohol: Reflexes – When a person is under the influence of

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5 Dram Shop Laws You Should Know

5 Dram Shop Laws You Should Know

Dram shop laws were created to hold businesses accountable for selling alcohol to minors and intoxicated patrons. Bars, restaurants, clubs, liquor stores, and other establishments that sell alcohol can be held liable for any damage or injury caused by an inebriated patron. Dram shop laws are implemented on a state level. These laws hold establishments responsible to properly serve alcohol. Here are five important ones that everyone should know. Selling to a Minor If a minor, under the age of 21, is intoxicated and causes physical injury, property damage, or death, the business that sold the alcohol can

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What Unintentional Injuries Cause The Most Deaths?

What Unintentional Injuries Cause The Most Deaths?

We have all suffered from unintentional injuries in our lives. No matter how careful you are, back luck can strike at any moment.  Unfortunately, these accidents can sometimes result in far worse than any injury. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, these injuries continue to be the fifth leading cause of death overall, and the leading cause of death for those under 35 years of age.  Continue reading to learn about the most common causes of wrongful death.  Motor Vehicle Crashes  According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, approximately 36,000 people died in motor vehicle crashes in 2019.

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Personal Injury: What is Nursing Home Neglect?

What is Nursing Home Neglect?

Nursing home neglect is when patients do not receive adequate mental and physical care. Even though it may not be intentional, it is still dangerous.  The health risks can be serious and should not be taken lightly. Continue reading to learn more.   Causes of Nursing Home Neglect  There are many reasons, both intentional and unintentional, as to why this type of neglect occurs. Either way, both are forms of elder abuse.  In most cases, negligence is unintentional. Short staffing, inadequate training, and high turnover rates are common unintended causes of neglect. Employees of care centers generally want to

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How Can I Help a Loved One Heal From Sexual Abuse?

How Can I Help a Loved One Heal From Sexual Abuse?

Sexual abuse is horrific and, unfortunately, all too common in our country. No one deserves this type of abuse.  According to RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network), an American is sexually assaulted every 73 seconds, and every 9 minutes, that victim is a child. These are shocking and quite scary statistics. The odds are high that you or someone close to you has been abused. A time may come when a friend or family member trusts you and shares their experience. When this happens, here are some ideas for you to help your loved one heal from

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What is the "Seat Belt Defense" in Car Accident Cases?

What is the “Seat Belt Defense” in Car Accident Cases?

The seat belt defense is used by a driver who causes an accident and wants to reduce their responsibility of covering the medical costs of the victim. If the injured party was not wearing a restraint at the time of the incident, they will only be able to receive partial compensation in the case of the seat belt defense. They can only claim the costs of what their injuries would have been if a seat belt was used. Seat Belt Defense Theory The seat belt defense is based on torts law. Torts are legal claims that arise from

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